
Planning Agenda – 6th September 2021

Agendas Uploaded on September 1, 2021


The Podmore Building, St Andrews Field, St Andrews Road

Paddock Wood, Kent, TN12 6HT

Telephone:  01892 837373

NOTICE OF A MEETING OF the Planning and Environment Committee to be held on Monday 6th September 2021 at 7.45 pm  at the Day Centre Commercial Road   



P31                  DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST.



To APPROVE the minutes of the meeting held on 16th August, 2021



Application details can be found at the numerical part of the application number eg: 20/12345 into the search box and the application will come up

Application Address Proposal


a)21/02501/FULL 15 Church Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6HD Demolition of existing dwelling, erection of 7 no. 2 bedroom apartments, 1 no. 3 bed detached dwelling, and 1 no. 4 bed detached dwelling, together with associated access, car parking and landscaping (Part Retrospective)
b)21/02659/FULL Land At Mascalls Farm Badsell Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent Variation of Condition 1 (Approved Plans) of 19/02533/FULL – Removal of trees and replace with 14 new trees
c)21/02636/ADV Unit W Paddock Wood Distribution Centre Transfesa Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6UU Advertisement: 3x externally illuminated building signs and 1x illuminated projecting sign
d)21/02623/FULL 5 Concord Close Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6UJ Erection of single storey front extension; change flat roof on kitchen extension to a pitched roof with rooflights; changes and alterations to front door and fenestration
e)21/02666/OUT 66 Church Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6HF Outline (All Matters Reserved) – Demolition of detached garage; erection of 1no. dwelling; new access track and parking; landscaping.
f)21/02815/OUT Land Adjacent To Elm Tree Mile Oak Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent Outline (Access not reserved) – Erection of 5 no dwelling houses comprising 2 no three-bedroom units and 3 no two-bedroom units, including access
g)21/02801/FULL 57 Allington Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6AP Upgrade/replacement of the single storey rear existing conservatory to create a garden room; existing ground floor rear window and door to be replaced with a window and removal of the rear chimney
h) 21/02661/FULL 44 Maidstone Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6BT Demolition of existing lean to and erection of first floor side extension above existing garage






Application Address and details of proposals TWBC    decision Town Council Comments
21/02389/FULL Relocation of existing storage barn and repositioning of three static mobiles in connection with existing Gypsy / Traveller use | Mile Oak Stables Mile Oak Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6NG permitted No objection
21/01935/FULL Somerset Villa 64 Commercial Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6DP. Change of use from D1/HMO to mixed use for the ground floor area to Ea and Eb Retail; Top floor used for Storage, Staff Office, Staff Welfare locker room, WC and Staff kitchen area; Proposed seating area outside the cafe permitted no objection to the application and welcome a new commercial enterprise on the high street
21/01771/FULL Erection of a garden room annex | 11 Mascalls Park Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6LW Permitted No objection subject to provision for protection of tree roots in the area to be agreed in conjunction with the tree officer
21/01908/FULL  Small single storey rear extension, infill side flank extension with upper first floor minor m3 enlargement with Wealdon type weatherboarding to upper levels and render lower finishes. (Part Restrospective) | 2 Pearsons Green Cottages Pearsons Green Road Brenchley Tonbridge Kent TN12 7DE Permitted no objection to the application provided provision is made for disposal of any additional surface water run of
21/01777/FULL Demolish an existing conservatory and replace with a dining room extension | 20 Kiln Way Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6LF Permitted No objection
21/01678/ADV Advertisement: Erection of 4no. static flagpoles, 3no. 1.5x3m signs (2 of which are arranged in a V formation) and 5no. 950mx650mm secondary signs to advertise the new residential site The Burrows | Church Farm And Land Church Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent Permitted Object on the grounds of the oversized boards and flags
21/01080/FULL Partial demolition of the existing 6ft brick wall adjacent to the boundary and erection of a new 6ft fence on the boundary fronting a highway | 24 Siskin Gardens Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6XP Refused object to the application on the grounds that the visibility splays from the junction will be compromised and the removal of the trees that are part of the open space landscaping
21/01522/FULL Re-cladding of the existing industrial/warehouse units | Paddock Wood Distribution Centre Transfesa Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge TN12 6UU Permitted no objection to the application subject to proper disposal of old cladding and comment that this appears to improve the appearance of the building
21/01409/FULL Erection of a single storey detached outbuilding. | 25 Ashcroft Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6LQ Permitted no objection subject to this annexe not being used for residential purposes and that provision is made for the increased surface water run off from the roof area
21/01831/FULL (Land west of Unit 1) Change of use of land from open storage to overnight parking of Compaid buses (Retrospective) | Compaid Unit 1 Eastlands Estate Maidstone Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6BU Permitted No objection
21/00969/FULL Conversion of integrated garage to utility room. Works include: remove concrete floor for damp proof flooring, removal of garage door for window and door, replace flat roof with tiled pitched roof with guttering, install down drain pipe and ventilation extraction system, plaster board lining of room | 3 Cobbs Close Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6UW Permitted object to the application on the grounds of loss of parking
21/01705/FULL Extend existing dropped kerb | 5 Buttercup Close Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6BG Permitted No objection
21/01997/FULL Erection of front first floor dormer extension | 27 The Greenways Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6LS Permitted object to the application on the grounds that : Its bulk and the suggested black weather boarding makes it overly dominant and obtrusive on the street scene. There are no proposals submitted to deal with additional surface water runoff which is already an issue on the adjacent Badsell Road
21/01687/FULL The Brackens Queen Street Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6NP. Rear extension with car port addition Permitted no objection subject to provision being made to deal with additional surface water run off



The next meeting will take place at 7.15 pm on Monday 20th of September at the Day

Centre, Commercial Road.

Claire Reilly

Deputy Clerk to the Council

31st of August, 2021

Paddock Wood Town Council