The Podmore Building, St Andrew’s Road, Paddock Wood, TN12 6HT
Telephone: 01892 837373
PRESENT: Cllr. D. Boyle in the Chair
Cllrs. H. Atkins, R. Atkins, M. Flashman, R. Moon, D. Sargison & R. Turk
ALSO PRESENT: K. Bell (Locum) & 9 residents
- Boyle opened the meeting and welcomed all present including K. Bell the locum.
ES12 Apologies for Absences: There were none
ES13 Declarations of Interests: There were none
ES14 Minutes of the Meeting held on 06 May 2021: Following a discussion, it was:
RESOLVED: That subject to a minor amendment the minutes would be approved. Unanimous
ES15 Matters Arising: Following a discussion, it was:
RESOLVED: That matters arising would be carried forward to the next regular Estates Committee Meeting. Unanimous
ES16 Special Motion
The committee was asked to consider the following special motion which sought to overturn a resolution passed by the Estates Committee on 06 May 2021. This had been bought forward by the signed request of 5 Councillors (H. Atkins, R. Atkins, T. Bisdee, S. Hamilton and D. Kent)
“On the Estates meeting dated 06 May 2021, agenda item ES5 (a) the amended resolution made in the meeting being:
Cllr. R. Atkins proposed, Cllr. D. Boyle seconded:
The Town Council allows PW Cricket to use the Memorial Field and Pavilion on the 11 July 2021 and provisionally 29 August 2021 (this date would be subject to availability). Both dates subject to Government covid 19 Guidelines. Neither date to be used as a campaign against the community centre project.
Cllr. Turk proposed the following amendment, Cllr. Boyle seconded the amendment: The above agreement is subject to a solemn undertaking by PW Cricket that the events will not be used to thwart the building of the Community Centre.
The amended resolution was CARRIED unanimously.
We 5 councillors are writing to you the Proper Officer for a special motion at full council to reverse the decision above as in our Standing Orders (7a) made on the Estates committee and to put forward the motion:
It was proposed by H. Atkins, seconded by R. Atkins that, the Town Council allows PW cricket to use the Memorial Field and Pavilion on 29 August 2021 subject to Government Covid 19 guidelines”
- Moon proposed, the following amended motion, that the Town Council allows PW Cricket to use the Memorial Field and Pavilion on 29 August 2021 subject to Government Covid 19 guidelines and subject to an undertaking that the event would not be used to thwart the building of the Community Centre., the motion was seconded by D. Boyle and then put to a vote. R. Atkins requested that the vote be recorded. A vote was then taken with the following result
In favour 5 R. Turk, D. Sargison, M. Flashman, R. Moon & D.
Against 2 H. Atkins & R. Atkins
The amended motion was CARRIED.
It was further:
RESOLVED: That the terms and conditions for hiring PWTC facilities would be included on the agenda for the next meeting of the PPP which was due to be held in September.
- Boyle asked H. Atkins and R. Atkins if they were satisfied with the voting process. They confirmed that they were.
ES17 SAHRUDAYA ROYALS CRICKET CLUB: It was reported that the SRCC had recently hired the memorial field for several cricket fixtures agreeing with and complying with the condition placed on hirers to not use cricket matches to campaign against the Community Centre. The SRCC was now seeking agreement from the Estates Committee to use the Memorial Field as their home ground for their Kent Regional Leagues matches next season. Following a discussion, it was proposed by D. Boyle, seconded by R. Moon and:
RESOLVED: That this be agreed subject to availability and the production of a fixture list. It was noted that permission was granted for the playing of softball cricket only.
It was noted that PWTC would look at the reinstatement of hardball cricket at the earliest opportunity together with the refurbishment of the pavilion which was already in hand. The Estates Committee would ascertain the demand for hardball cricket and once proven would make a recommendation to the Finance Committee.
There being no additional business, the meeting concluded at 8.50
Signed Committee Chairman: Date:
These minutes are not a verbatim record of the meeting, but a summary of discussion and decisions taken at the meeting