
Terms of Reference for Estates Committee

Policies & Procedures Uploaded on April 30, 2023




The role of the Estates Committee is the effective management of the council owned property* and on the instruction of the council the acquisition and development of additional facilities.

(*Property is defined as structure, land and equipment that is owned by the town council or which it has legal responsibility for)



Council Controlled Assets, Cemetery Closed Church Yard

  1. The assessment, provision, maintenance, improvement, and management of Town Council owned parks, playgrounds, open spaces, allotments, outdoor sports facilities, and gardens.
  2. To manage the grounds maintenance for areas that the council has responsibility for.
  3. To provide and manage the New Cemetery and manage the Closed Church Yard.
  4. To manage all aspects of maintenance, marketing, security, and day to day running of all the Council owned community assets including the Terms and Conditions of use/hire.
  5. To provide notice boards and interpretation boards.
  6. To promote optimum energy and water efficiency, waste minimisation and recycling in the council’s estate.


  1. To discharge all statutory function in relation thereto under the Allotments acts.

Amenity Areas

  1. To determine and undertake the maintenance of amenity areas controlled by the council.

Sporting Organisations

  1. To liaise with sporting organisations about the provision of sporting and recreation facilities in the town.

Risk Assessment

  1. To undertake annual risk analysis for all property e.g., playgrounds.

Policies and Procedures

  1. To make recommendations on procedures and policies to the PPP Committee for any council owned assets.


  1. To draft the budget and determine Estate’s priorities. To submit budget requirements and recommendations to the Finance committee.
  2. To mange the budget and vire, where necessary, between budgets held and managed by the committee.
  3. To manage, according to Financial Regulations, the contracts, and tenders for any projects within the budget of the committee.



  1. The Committee Chairman & Vice Chairman are elected at the first committee meeting after the Annual Meeting of the Town Council. The Chairman and Vice chairman of the Committee are authorised key holders for all council property along with the Estates Manager.
  2. The committee will meet on the 2nd Monday of every month, except for January This may be varied depending on the amount of business at any one time. The committee will not meet in May during election year.

The Committee quorum is 50%. of its members.


The Town Council has the right to identify issues that will be dealt at the full meeting of the Town Council.

The Town Council may allocate to the committees matters outside of the above remit with the agreement of the Chairman and Vice chairman of the Committee.

Updated April 2023



Paddock Wood Town Council