
Planning Minutes – 6th March 2023

Minutes Uploaded on March 14, 2023



The Podmore Building, St Andrews Field, St Andrews Road

Paddock Wood, Kent, TN12 6HT

Telephone:  01892 837373

MINUTES of the Planning and Environment Committee meeting held on Monday 6th of March 2023 at 7.00 pm at the Day Centre Commercial Road


PRESENT:                 Cllr C Williams, Cllr A Mackie, Cllr D Sargison, Cllr M Ridger, Cllr T Bisdee, Cllr D Kent.


IN ATTENDANCE:    Mrs. C Reilly, Borough Councillors R Moon, R Atkins, residents, representatives from Persimmon Homes and Redrow Homes.


APOLOGIES             None





To APPROVE the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 6th of February 2023. These were approved and signed by the chairman.


The chairman Cllr C Williams proposed suspending standing order to enable representatives

of the developers to present their proposal and answer questions from residents and councillors. Seconded by Cllr M Ridger. Agreed.

There was a presentation and a wide ranging discussion with many questions.


Cllr C Williams proposed reinstating standing orders seconded by Cllr M Ridger. Agreed.

Members discussed the three elements of the development proposal.






Application Address and proposal Comments
23/00091/FULL Land West Of Queen Street Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6NP. Construction of bus, pedestrian and cycle link between land at Church Farm and Land West Of Queen Street, together with associated works. Cllr C Williams proposed and Cllr D Sargison seconded that the Council object to the application in order to remain consistent with their objections to the associated development and furthermore on the following grounds:

·         The width of the proposed bridge appears insufficient to accommodate buses, cycles and pedestrians.

·         Maintenance of the bridge culvert should be agreed with the Upper Medway Internal Drainage Board.

·         The measures proposed in the FRA do not take into consideration the high water table on the site and in the surrounding area.




23/00086/HYBRID Land West Of Queen Street And Mile Oak Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6NP. HYBRID Application: Full Application for erection of 160 homes. Outline Application (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale reserved) for the erection of up to 400 additional homes, inclusive of associated infrastructure including land for specialist accommodation for the elderly, land for secondary school expansion, a local centre, play areas, network of new roads (and widening of existing roads), surface water drainage features, car and cycle parking and open space and associated works. Cllr C Williams proposed and Cllr D Kent seconded that The Council object to the application on the following grounds:


·         The inadequacy of surrounding roads requires that all traffic generated by the development will enter and depart via the local centre causing traffic congestion, air pollution and a danger to road users and pedestrians as narrow roads and pavements have not been designed to cater for this volume of traffic.

·         There should be specific provision for an onsite GP facility within the community part of the development site  as the current provision at Woodlands is overburdened and was not expanded at all under the previous round of development despite being included in the planning conditions.

·         The Town Centre retail, services  and leisure provision is insufficient for development on this unprecedented scale.

·         Negative impact on local wildlife and biodiversity caused by the scale of development. The application fails to demonstrate that the suggested biodiversity enhancement is like for like in terms of replacing the type of habitat within this greenfield and woodland site.

·         There are significant concerns regarding the safety of the staggered junction whereby children from the Southern part of the development will be endangered when crossing the junction to access the proposed primary school.

·         The bus transport route does not include Mascalls School.

·         The measures proposed in the FRA do not take into consideration the high water table on the site and in the surrounding area.


23/00118/HYBRID Land West Of Queen Street Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6NP. Hybrid Application: Full Application for erection of 170 homes and Waste Water Treatment Works together with temporary construction/haul road off Queen Street to enable the delivery of the Waste Water Treatment Works and up to 150 dwellings, Outline Application (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale reserved) for the erection of up to 430 additional homes, inclusive of associated infrastructure including land for a new primary school, play areas, allotments, network of new roads (and widening of existing roads), surface water drainage features, car and cycle parking and open space and associated works Cllr C Williams proposed and Cllr D Kent seconded that The Council object to the application on the following grounds:

·         The provision for visitor parking is unrealistically low. Visitors by definition come from outside the immediate area and will drive.

·         Cycling routes do not join up, once they reach the edge of the town there is no network for them to join. This makes the dependency upon sustainable travel unrealistic.

·         The Waste Water Treatment Works is located in flood zone 2 and 3 which comes with a risk of surcharging in times of heavy rainfall resulting ins sewage flooding in the adjacent areas.

·         The inadequacy of surrounding roads requires that all traffic generated by the development will enter and depart via the local centre causing traffic congestion, air pollution and a danger to road users and pedestrians as narrow roads and pavements have not been designed to cater for this volume of traffic.

·         The site should have a detailed and comprehensive play strategy to ensure decent provision for residents.

·         There is considerable public concern regarding deliverability of primary and secondary school provision since the primary school on the Mascalls Court Farm site has still not been provided.




The next meeting will take place at 7.00 pm on Monday 20th of March in the Day Centre, Commercial Road, Paddock Wood.



Meeting closed at 10.00pm


Paddock Wood Town Council