
Full Council Minutes – 30th November 2023

Minutes Uploaded on December 13, 2023


The Podmore Building, St Andrews Field, St Andrews Road

Paddock Wood, Kent, TN12 6HT

Telephone:  01892 837373

MINUTES OF A MEETING OF PADDOCK WOOD TOWN COUNCIL HELD ON THURSDAY 30TH November 2023 at 7.45 pm in The Day Centre, Commercial Road, Paddock Wood

PRESENT:                           Cllr H Atkins, in the Chair

Cllrs R. Atkins, D. Dray, D. Kent, M. Munday,

D. Sargison, C. Williams.


IN ATTENDANCE:               Mrs N Reay, Town Clerk


APOLOGIES;                        Cllr S. Hamilton, N. Maari, A. Mackie, T. Mobbs, R Moon, J Thompson


Cllr H Atkins proposed, Cllr


Under section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (admission to meetings) Act 1960 the following items should be exempt from the press and public for commercial reasons.


The following item is deferred from the Council meeting held on the 20th November 2023.



Members discussed the report and proposals for the new FM contract for the Community Centre:


Cllr R Atkins proposed, Cllr Kent seconded:

That the town council should not appoint a consultant to carry out the processes to ensure that a 3 year facilities management contract is in place by March 2024.

VOTING – 5 against, 2 abstentions


(Cllr Sargison left the meeting)


Cllr Williams proposed, Cllr Munday seconded:

That the consultant should be asked if he would be willing to get the costs for the individual items as specified by the Town Council.




Members then identified which items from the existing contract that they wished to receive quotes for.  The remaining items would be sourced by the Community Centre Management company.


The Clerk reminded members that office staff did not have facilities management skills to manage the contract.



C100              DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING

The next meeting will take place on Monday 18th December at 7.45 in the Day Centre. Commercial Road.



The meeting closed at 9.10 pm.




Paddock Wood Town Council