The Podmore Building, St Andrews Field, St Andrews Road
Paddock Wood, Kent, TN12 6HT
Telephone: 01892 837373
MINUTES OF A MEETING OF PADDOCK WOOD TOWN COUNCIL HELD ON Monday 18th December 2023 at 7.45 pm in The Day Centre, Commercial Road, Paddock Wood
PRESENT: Cllr H Atkins, in the Chair
Cllrs R. Atkins (TWBC), D. Kent, N. Maari, A. Mackie, T. Mobbs, (TWBC) M. Munday (TWBC), J. Thompson, C. Williams.
IN ATTENDANCE: Ms E Small, Deputy Clerk, Mr C Smith Estates Manager
Dr R Claxton, for item C102
Mr M Hayden, via Teams for item C105
APOLOGIES: Cllr D. Dray, S. Hamilton (KCC), Cllr D. Sargison, R Moon (TWBC)
CC S Hamilton sent apologies and a statement regarding a recent car accident with a child on Maidstone Road. Any responses, to please email KCC S Hamilton directly.
BC confirmed how the vote at the Local Plan Meeting held on 13th December went. BC voted 1 for and 3 against.
BC R Atkins encourages all to go to TWBC Budget Consultation 2024 -2025. The link below allows the user to choose how they would balance the upcoming budget;
Cllr Williams declared that she had a non-pecuniary interest in PWCCO Ltd.
Dr Richard Claxton attended to explain the garden therapy scheme to members. The Primary Care Network is made up of 5 local doctors’ surgeries (including Woodlands Health Centre Paddock Wood) The scheme is seeking a new local area to grow the garden therapy which is having a huge positive outcome. Estates Manager Carl Smith has presented some allotment space in Ringden Avenue. Dr Richard Claxton explained the area will ideally be fenced off to provide a private space (such as simple picket fencing) and discussed the options of small polytunnels.
Dr R Claxton explained they can support the landscaping costs if done within this financial year, possibly with a figure of around £20,000 if needed. This would be subject to timing and terms of the lease drawn up. Dr R Claxton expressed a 5-year lease or Memorandum of Understanding would be suitable
Cllr R Atkins proposed, Cllr J Thompson seconded:
PWTC provide The Primary Care Network – Tonbridge Garden therapy project, some allotments on Ringden Avenue as well as use of the Memorial Pavilion, free of charge. To confirm full details of landscaping and lease with the Estates committee going forward.
CARRIED unanimously.
a) The minutes of the meeting held on 20th November 2023 were APPROVED.
b) The minutes of the meeting held on 30th November 2023 were APPROVED.
c) The minutes of the P & E Committee held on 20th November 2023 & 4th December were NOTED.
d) The minutes of the Estates Committee meeting held on 11th December were NOTED.
Members were asked to agree that the Town Council will pay £10,000 to TWBC for their continued management of the public toilets. (The Town Council currently pays £7,000 to TWBC for the management of the toilets.) Some member noted there was not enough information and ideally would have liked a face-to-face meeting for this reason.
Cllr R Atkins proposed, Cllr M Mundy seconded:
Proposed PWTC accept the offer.
Member voted 8 for and 1 against.
a) PWTC members discussed the 5 options laid out in the attached report for Facilities Management for the Community Centre. Members considered the following points:
- All Cllrs should take the time to visit the facilities in the Community Centre, specifically the utilities.
- Community Centre finances should be provided.
- Estate Manager Carl Smith was at the original hand over and explained the facilities are of a specialised standard.
- A consultant is needed to support this process due to the procurement rules.
- Members requested the current Community Centre snagging list.
Cllr M, Mundy proposed, Cllr R Atkins seconded:
PWTC request the Community Centre provide their finances for the full financial year, to a similar standard of PWTC. These will be confidential but help support decisions on the maintenance agreement.
Members voted 7 for and 2 abstained.
Cllr H Atkins proposed, Cllr M Mundy seconded:
Proceed with option 2 from the consultant’s report, to obtain a full quote. If this is not a suitable quote, then PWTC may need to extend the current contract with Baxalls for a further 6 months to find a better contract.
Members voted 6 in favour and 3 abstained.
b) Cllr R, Atkins proposed, Cllr H, Atkins seconded:
Grant permission for GAP to install a sign. The sign should be positioned in the shrubbery in front of the nursery building.
CARRIED unanimously.
c) No reports from the directors
a) Cllr H Atkins proposed, Cllr T Mobbs seconded:
That the payments list voucher nos: 488 – 553 should be APPROVED.
Carried Unanimously
b) The receipts list voucher nos: 191 – 204 were NOTED.
c) Cllr R Atkins proposed, Cllr D Kent seconded:
Approval of the Additional fee for Planning Consultant (The original fee was £4600, the revised fee is £7650)
CARRIED unanimously.
d) Cllr D Kent proposed, Cllr T Mobbs seconded:
Appoint the IT company, Heliocentrix
CARRIED unanimously.
e) Cllr H Atkins proposed, Cllr R Atkins seconded:
Appoint April Skies as the new Internal Auditor for PWTC
CARRIED unanimously.
Members discussed getting the S106 funding ideas through as soon as possible, for the potentially new development with Redrow & Persimmons. Elm Tree playing fields is a main focal point for the members as it is the closest facilities to the proposed developments.
PWTC to discuss the specific wants, with the PWFC chairman, to obtain needed estimates.
Members also mentioned S106 funds for growth and improvement in the Paddock Wood Cemetery.
Members discussed PWTC should ask the veterans who hold meetings in the Community Centre, if they have any plans the Town Council can support. PWTC happy to support any events within the town that may be organised.
a) The following dates and locations of upcoming surgeries were confirmed:
Saturday 27th January 2024, Community Centre, 10am – 12pm. Cllr T Mobbs and Cllr D Kent will be there from 10am -11am. And Cllr C Williams & Cllr A Mackie will be there from 11am-12pm
Saturday 24th February 2024, Putlands, 10am – 12pm. Cllrs to be confirmed.
Saturday 23rd March 2024, Library. Cllrs to be confirmed.
b) Cllr Munday requested signage to advertise upcoming surgeries. Rough costing is £300 for 5 weatherproof signs.
Cllr H Atkins proposed, Cllr T Mobbs seconded:
Approve the cost for 5 weatherproof signs. Town Clerk to confirm the sizing and specifics with Cllr M Mundy.
CARRIED unanimously.
To receive updates from representatives
(a) Chairman’s meeting held on the 12th Cllr H Atkins explained updates on the local plan. The aim for the next consultation with be between 8th January 2024 and 18th February 2024.
As members have been requesting paper copies, TWBC confirmed they will make sure to have some available to all Parishes of Tunbridge Wells for upcoming consultations.
TWBC will be letting out some of their offices in their building to reduce costs and lower carbon footprints.
TWBC purchased Royal Victoria Place Shopping Centre. Remmington Heart have leased the building.
(b) Paddock Wood Business Association had a social event instead this month.
(c) Bereko Committee – Cllr R Moon sent apologies
(d) KALC – the AGM took place on the 18th November. A copy of the presentation on Town and Parish Communities and Health has been circulated to members.
(e) Medway Valley Line – Cllr D Sargison and BC R Moon sent apologies
(f) Hop Pickers Line – there will be a meeting on the 19th December 2023 – Cllr D Sargison and Cllr R Moon sent apologies
(g) Youth Council – Discussions of Youth Hub and safety.
(h) Putlands Leisure Centre – meeting was held on 13th December 2023 – Discussed longer hours and more staff. Jason (Putlands Centre manager) is happy to come to the Ful Council meeting in March.
(i) Highway Improvement Plan – BC R Atkins expressed an online survey for the residents of Paddock Wood would be beneficial
(k) No reports from meetings which members have attended on behalf of the Town Council.
The next meeting will take place on Monday 15th January 2024 at 7.45 in the Day Centre.
The meeting closed at 10.45 pm.