
Finance Minutes – 12th December 2022

Minutes Uploaded on January 10, 2023


The Podmore Building, St Andrew’s Road, Paddock Wood, TN12 6HT Telephone: 01892 837373




Cllrs Present:                                    H. Atkins, R. Atkins, M. Flashman, R. Moon, M. Ridger & C. Williams

Also Present:                                    K. Bell (Locum Clerk), T. Maxwell (RGO) & C. Smith (Estates Manager)

Members of the Public Present:     1

Cllr Flashman opened the meeting and welcomed all present


F19      APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCES:  There were none


F20      DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST:  There were none


F21      MINUTES

F21.1   Meeting held on 10 October 2022:  It was proposed, seconded and:

RESOLVED:  To approve the minutes from the meeting as an accurate record of those proceedings.                                       Unanimous


            F21.2   Update on Matters Arising from the Previous Meeting:  There were none.


F22      BANK AND CASH BALANCES:  It was reported that the balances at 31 October 2022 was £659,121.35 and £466,182.72 at 30 November 2022.


F23      FEES and TARIFFS:  Following a discussion, it was proposed, seconded and:

RESOLVED:  That fees and tariffs would increase by 11.1% i.e., the CPI at October 2022 with the exception of Elm Tree and Scallywags which would be considered separately at the next meeting of the Finance Committee.

                                                                                                            By Majority

                        5 in favour, 1 against, Cllr Moon voted against the motion and asked for this to be recorded in the minutes

It was further:

RESOLVED:  That allotment rents for 2024/2025 would be considered at the next meeting of the Finance Committee and that comparisons would be made with neighbouring allotment providers.                    Unanimous

It was further

RESOLVED: That a review of cemetery charges would be deferred to the next meeting of the Finance Committee in order that direct comparisons be obtained from similar sized local councils.                        Unanimous


F24      AUDIT

F24.1   Independent Internal Audit: Following a discussion, it was proposed, seconded and:

RESOLVED:  To confirm the appointment of Mr David Buckett as the Town Councils Independent Internal Auditor for the year 2023/2024.


F24.2   External Auditor:  It was reported that the Smaller Authorities Audit Appointments had announced the conclusion of its procurement process and had appointed Mazars LLP as the Town Councils External Auditor for the five financial years from 2022-2023 to 2026-2027.  It was noted that the external audit fees were likely to be £1,365.00 in 2023/2024.


F25      BUDGET

F25.1   Existing Contracts:  Following a discussion, it was proposed, seconded and:

RESOLVED:  To maintain existing contracts and to review when due for renewal to ensure that PWTC continued to obtain best value for money.                                                     Unanimous   


F25.2   Subscriptions:  Following a discussion, it was proposed, seconded and:

RESOLVED:  That no changes would be made to the Town Councils annual subscriptions                                                            Unanimous   


F25.3   To note the anticipated figures for the year end:  Attention was drawn to the following:

  • Anticipated Outturn at 31.03.23: The information prepared and presented to members by the RFO was RECEIVED AND NOTED.  It was noted that there was an expected deficit at 31.03.22 which might be offset by reserves.
  • Expenditure: Members noted how the 2022/2023 budget was performing and the anticipated forecast at 31 March 2023.  Questions were raised relating to the costs of the cemetery, Elm Tree, Estates, Hanging Baskets, Putlands, Tree works, Cobbs Close, Footway lighting repairs, Memorial Neighbourhood Plan, subscriptions, Traveller Reserve Fund and Public Toilets.
  • Reserves:  A review of reserves took place, following a discussion, it was proposed, seconded and:

RESOLVED:        That members feedback would inform the revised draft budget for 2023/2024.                              Unanimous   

It was further proposed, seconded and

RESOLVED:        That the Town Council would investigate cheaper ways of leasing a vehicle for the Estates Manager, i.e., leasing and purchase options.                        By Majority 4:2

It was further proposed, seconded and:

RESOLVED         To defer the employment of a Community Ranger to April 2023                                          By Majority 5:1

It was further proposed, seconded and:

RESOLVED:        To defer the employment of a Community Ranger to April 2024                                          Unanimous

It was further proposed, seconded and:

RESOLVED:        That the Community Ranger position would be considered at the December 2022 meeting of the Full Council                                      Unanimous   


F25.4   Draft budget figures and notes for the 2023 / 2024:  The information prepared and presented to members by the RFO, and Locum Clerk was RECEIVED AND NOTED.  The RFO presented the draft budget to members and members took the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback.  Following a discussion, it was proposed, seconded and:

RESOLVED:        That members feedback would inform the revised draft budget for 2023/2024.                              Unanimous   


F26      DATE OF NEXT MEETING:  Confirmed as Monday 09 January 2022


There being no additional business, the meeting concluded at 10.10 p.m.


These minutes are not verbatim, but a summary of discussions and decisions made at the meeting


Committee Chairman:          ………………………………..             Date:   …………………….



Paddock Wood Town Council