
Planning Minutes – 2nd October 2023

Minutes Uploaded on October 10, 2023



The Podmore Building, St Andrews Field, St Andrews Road

Paddock Wood, Kent, TN12 6HT

Telephone:  01892 837373

MINUTES of the Planning & Environment Committee held on Monday 2nd October 2023 at 7:45pm at the Day Centre Commercial Road  


PRESENT:                 Cllr C Williams (in the Chair)

D Kent, N Maari, A Mackie, D Sargison


IN ATTENDANCE:    E Small, Deputy Clerk

Borough Councillor R Moon


APOLOGIES            Cllr D Dray





The minutes of the meeting held on 18th September 2023 at 7pm were APPROVED



Application details can be found at the numerical part of the application number eg: 20/12345 into the search box and the application will come up


Application Address Proposal Comments


Paddock Wood Bowling Club Putlands Sports & Leisure Centre Mascalls Court Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6NZ Erection of an ‘Apex Workshop’ type wooden building Cllr C Williams proposed,

Cllr D Kent seconded:




CARRIED unanimously

23/02458/FULL Norman Collett House Transfesa Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6UT


Proposed external container housing plant serving spiral freezer within factory building along with ground mounted condenser units and associated panelled enclosure. Cllr C Williams proposed,

Cllr A Mackie seconded:


OBJECT on grounds of noise concerns and smell, for the neighbouring residents. Concerns on created ammonia and the impact it will have on residents as well as the local wildlife and vegetation. These emissions can cause acidity in soil.

The Town Council could reconsider the proposal, subject to further information from  the Environment Protection Report and a Risk Assessment, incorporating the Fire Safety.



CARRIED unanimously



Green Westons Pearsons Green Road Brenchley Tonbridge Kent TN12 7DE Replace tiles on the rear roof Cllr C Williams proposed,

Cllr N Maari seconded:



Subject to compliance with a grade II listed building


CARRIED unanimously




Land West Of Queen Street Paddock Wood TN12 6NP

Land West Of Queen Street And Mile Oak Road Paddock Wood TN12 6NP

Active Travel England have given a report on the applications, jointly. Cllr C Williams proposed,

Cllr D Kent seconded:


PWTC strongly objects to this application being considered prior to finalisation of the local plan. This is due to the fact that with the current developments progressing in PW, the infrastructure and service improvements e.g. Schools, GP, pharmacy are not materialising despite the progress with the developments.

Paddock Wood Primary School is near full capacity. This application proposes a new primary school site. The current Persimmon development taking place in Paddock Wood also proposed a new Primary School, yet this has been delayed with no deadline for when this will be delivered. This school would need to be in place, before further grown is considered in the area.

There is already a strain on the GP practice and pharmacy, with no expansion with existing developments. These services are inadequate now and could not support further growth.  The proposed expansion must be delivered prior to further developments taking place.

There is no confidence in the community that the promised improvements will go ahead without a master planning and coordinated process. Residents would like to see improvements already promised, delivered before this development is approved.

Specific concerns are;


Flood modelling. There needs to be a sequential assessment of the waterflow from the proposed development, and the developments that are currently in progress, that flow into East Rhoden. KCC report also outlines these concerns and have made a number of conditions. The Upper Medway Plan internal drainage board previously proposed an expansion of one of the culverts under the railway as a method of reducing the risk of flooding. PWTC would like to see this scheme reviewed and implemented.

Network Rail have previously raised objections about building on this area due to the risk of undermining the railway and have referred to thee concerns in their most recent letter.


When building attenuation ponds, developers should refer to PW Neighbourhood Plan Policy PW GI4 to ensure that these features blend in with the surrounding area.

Concerns about the location of this development in relation to the waste water treatment works and the capacity of the treatment works. This is due to the risk of foul water flooding and offensive odours for residents of this development and existing residents.

PWTC have previously raised concerns about the location of the packaged waste treatment centre, located in the flood zone on this development. Which similarly risks waste leaking into surrounding areas.


Concerns related to Heritage;

KKC report recommends a more detailed Heritage Search is needed, which PWTC supports. PWTC would like to see more extensive archaeological assessment across the whole of the site because of the proximity of known archaeological sites of interest in the this area.


Highway Concerns;

KCC Highways comments highlight concerns regarding the potential lack of parking including mixing car club and visitor parking. PWTC has similar concerns about the total number of parking spaces and supports use of the Kent Design Guide. PW Neighbourhood Plan access and movement policy 4 outlines specifications to ensure parking is unobtrusive and has associated design codes which should be considered.

The active travel England comments suggest the walking/cycle and road designs need reviewing to ensure care do not predominate. PWTC have made previous comments relating to highway issues including concerns about the suggested Church Road junction. A staggered junction could cause problems for pedestrians & cyclists when attempting to cross, forcing more people into cars.

The volume of traffic entering and exiting PW will grow even further, causing longer journey times, increased air pollution and congestion during peak travel times. Surrounding parishes and  Boroughs have also raised concerns about the impact of increased traffic on their environments and residents.. PWTC have previously recommended a new route being created from Church Road/Mile Oak Road out to the Hop Farm Roundabout/East Peckham Roundabout, diverting traffic from the centre of Town and reducing congestion.

The Hop Pickers Line is proposed to be a walking/cycle route for the proposed development, but it is unclear how it integrates on Queen Street where it would need to link with pedestrian and cycling routes outside the development. Paddock Wood Neighbourhood Plan policy AM1 states that new walking and cycle routes should connect with existing routes to ensure connectivity.  Due to the number of horse owners and stables in the area, extension of bridleways & creation of new routes should be considered with active travel routes, which is supported by the British Horse Society comments.

CARRIED unanimously






Application Address TWBC Decision PWTC Comments
23/01864/FULL 3 Dimmock Close Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6HS – Demolition of existing conservatory and creation of single storey extension  


No Objection, subject to the management of the water surface.



58-60 Maidstone Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6AF –

Submission of details in relation to condition 6 (Internal Noise Levels) of 21/00152/FULL



No comment on this subsection
23/02057/SUB Greenfields Farm Old Hay Brenchley Tonbridge Kent TN12 7DG Permitted No Comment




Cllr Rodney Atkins gives his apologies. An update will be given at a later planning and Environment meeting. Some residents have been raising suggestions on 20 MPH speed limits in residential areas.




Cllr David Dray looked at the area and spoke with the assistant site manager for an update. Cllr David Dray was unable to attend this meeting so can give an update from the conversation he had with the assistant site manager at a later planning meeting.




The Deputy Clerk investigated this by picking out several applications that PWTC had made these comments on. The Officers Reports highlight PWTC water management comments and answer these concerns within the report, whilst permitting/not permitting the applications.

When commenting on applications, Paddock Wood Town Council must refer to the guidelines of the National Planning Policy Framework as well as noting the material considerations if objecting.




Troy Planning & Design has updated Paddock Wood Town Council with regards to Tunbridge Wells Town Councils Local Plan;

The Council is suggesting that a Local Plan Report is taken to committee which sets out officer recommendations to members on the next steps with any potential changes to the development strategy, having regard to the three options for the way forward set out in the examination Initial Findings letter. The Report will be published for the first time ahead of the 13th November Planning & Transportation Cabinet Advisory Board meeting.


The suggested committee dates are:

  • Planning & Transportation Cabinet Advisory Board – 13th November.
  • Cabinet meeting date: 7 December 2023
  • Full Council meeting date: 13 December 2023 (ahead of the start of a six-week public consultation).

Then a six-week public consultation will take place following the December Full Council Meeting.

TWBC are then suggesting that the Local Plan Examination can resume in 2024 subject to the Inspector’s agreement.




The next meeting will take place at 7pm on Monday 16th October in the Day Centre, Commercial Road, Paddock Wood








Paddock Wood Town Council