
Planning Minutes – 15th April 2024

Minutes Uploaded on April 30, 2024


The Podmore Building, St Andrews Field, St Andrews Road

Paddock Wood, Kent, TN12 6HT

Telephone:  01892 837373

MINUTES of the Planning Committee held Monday 15th April 2024 at 7pm at the Day Centre Commercial Road  


PRESENT:               Cllr C Williams (in the chair)

                                 Cllr D Dray, D Kent, A Mackie, D Sargison


IN ATTENDANCE:   E Small, Deputy Clerk

Cllr R Moon

Cllr R Atkins


APOLOGIES:          None





The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 2nd April 2024 at 7:45pm have been APPROVED.



Application details can be found at Add the numerical part of the application number e.g., 20/12345 into the search box and the application will come up.

Application Address Proposal Comments
24/00783/FULL 13 Station Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6AB Demolition of conservatory and replacement rear/side extension Cllr D Sargison proposed,

Cllr A Mackie seconded:


No Objection, subject to the boundary information being correct and the management of surface water is effective as the property sits in flood zones 2 & 3.


Carried unanimously

24/00781/FULL Land To Rear Of Lhs Workshop 47 Maidstone Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6DG Demolition of buildings and erection of 5 no. dwellings Cllr C Williams proposed,

Cllr D Dray seconded:


Object on the following grounds.


A previous application for a residential development was refused in 2014. The application was refused on flood risk, impact on amenity, design, highways and housing mix. Whilst the applicant has reduced proposed housing numbers by one, the remaining issues have not changed.


The reasons for objection to the current application are:



The proposed development sits in flood zone 2. Please refer to the government flood mapping below;

See flood risk on a map – Check your long term flood risk – GOV.UK (

The NPPF, point 165 states, ‘Inappropriate development in areas at risk of flooding should be avoided by directing development away from areas at highest risk (whether existing or future).’  The Town Council shares residents concerns that this infill development will have on further flooding to this area. The Upper Medway Internal Drainage Board have previously stated that infill developments present the biggest risk of flooding from surface water in Paddock Wood. The Upper Medway Internal Drainage Boards response to this application clearly states ‘the applicant proposes to discharge surface water to a sewer, which is the least sustainable method of surface water disposal within the drainage hierarchy.’  Paddock Wood experiences problems during high rainfall periods with sewage discharges into the streets and this development will increase the risk in this area.


Impact on Amenity

The Town Council shares resident’s concerns about the over intensive design, resulting in a detrimental level of overlooking to neighbouring resident’s properties. The current properties that directly surround the plot will be over shadowed and overlooked by the proposed properties that will sit higher at 2.5 stories. The only attempt to stop this from the applicant is some of the proposed properties have opaque windows to stop overlooking into neighbouring properties. However, this will only work if the windows are not opened, which is not a realistic option as summers are becoming hotter.



The Town Council feels the application is a poor design still. It is over intensive with limited space for cars to turn, no dedicated pedestrian routes and limited green space.


There does not appear to be any mention of the knotweed located on this plot of land and how this will be tackled.  Guidance relating to this invasive plant states:  ‘the presence of the plant should be declared and accounted for as part of the planning process Failure to address this issue effectively produces a range of risks to any residents purchasing houses built on this area.



KCC Highways response to the application echoes the Town Council and residents’ concerns. The access to the development is narrow with exit from number 47 on this access road.

Maidstone Road is a busy road with cars parked on both sides of this entrance as there is no other parking available for existing residents in this area. Residents have reported regular damage to their cares including loss of wing mirrors. The parked cars make visibility from this entrance extremely difficult on a road that is busy all day as it is the main road through Paddock Wood.

Access for emergency vehicles and bin carts will be extremely difficult as the access road is very narrow. The turning zone allocated in the design is very small for either type of vehicle to manoeuvre. PWTC would recommend seeking the views of the Fire & Rescue Service.

This is no information about how vehicles will be prioritised if meeting in the entrance, as reversing back onto the very busy Maidstone Road will be dangerous.

The Council are concerned that bin lorries and delivery vehicles will not be able to access the site or park on the road, which risks obstructing the busy main road.


Housing Mix

The suggested properties are for 3/4 bed properties which does not offer a true mix of needed housing in Paddock Wood.


Suspended standing order for residents to speak


Residents attended the Planning meeting and raised the below concerns;

·         The refusal reasons from the 2014 application are still valid for this application

·         The highway splays show no parked cars in the design. This is not true of the area. There are always cars parked on both sides of the entrance and along this area of Maidstone Road. Traffic has grown in recent years with increased development on or near Maidstone Road (Auction car company and newly built residential flats) all use the main road for overspill with parking. This creates a very dangerous junction.

·         The application states only 1 accident in the last 5 years. As residents we are constantly seeing accidents on the road, wing mirrors broken off, carks scratched and hit etc. It is a constant, reconfirming how dangerous the road is becoming with the amount of cars it currently has on it.

·         The entrance width is only just 3.7 meters wide, but from building to building, the road area is narrower. A tight entrance that if an accident occurs a car will hit someone’s property.

·         The layout is still not suitable, some of the proposed homes are only 13feet away from current properties. The development will be overintense and affect our properties.

·         The properties to the rear (43 &45) lose their current rear access the plans mention the plot has been used for light industrial travel, but the access and plot has not been used for this in over 20 years.

·         The design of the houses is not in keeping with the surrounding area affected by the development, the design refers to properties further down the road in the centre of Paddock Wood. They tower over our properties to the side and rear.

·         The design is over intensive for the small site, overlooking our homes.


Standing order reinstated


Objection carried unanimously

24/00770/FULL Anderina Queen Street Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6PH Replacement gate & boundary wall Cllr C Williams proposed,

Cllr D Kent seconded:


Object based on the plans not reflecting the onsite conditions correctly. Town Council are concerned the proposed wall will affect visibility splays for the main road. Please refer to the KCC Highways and Transportation comments, which support this.


Carried unanimously

24/00809/FULL Pearsons Corner Willow Lane Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6NL Side and rear extensions to garage including replacement and PV solar panels Cllr D Kent proposed,

Cllr A Mackie seconded:


Object due to the proximity of flood zones 2 and 3.


Carried unanimously



For information purposes only

Application Address Proposal


24/00831/LDCEX Land And Open Space Goldings Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent Lawful Development Certificate (Existing): Completion of section of drainage works as part of implementation of the development permitted by planning application 18/00577/FULL


Land Adjacent To 9 Eldon Way Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6BE


Lawful Development Certificate (Proposed) – Erection of temporary site office and welfare Portakabin unit for the duration of the construction of the permanent office/servicing facilities approved under 22/03398/FULL


130 Warrington Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6JL Lawful Development Certificate (Proposed) – Rear single-storey extension



For information purposes only



Address Proposal


17 Granary Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6HJ Non-Material Amendment in relation to 23/02725/FULL – Remove roof step-back



Application Address TWBC Decision PWTC Comments


19 Eldon Way Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6BE –
Trees: LONDON PLANE (T1) – Remove
Refused Objected


Anderina Queen Street Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6PH –

Submission of Details in Relation to Condition 3 – (Landscaping) of 23/02056/FULL

Permitted N/A



The Maidstone Borough Local Plan review and associated Policies Map were adopted on 20th March 2024.  It provides a comprehensive planning framework for the borough for the period of 2021 – 2038.



KCC is consulting on revisions to its guidance and validation requirements for planning applications determined by the County Council.  This includes changes to its Local validation list.  Validation is an early and key part of the planning application process and determines whether an application is accepted by the planning authority for determination.

Planning authorities are required to have validation documents in place to streamline the planning application process by providing guidance to potential applicants on the necessary information to accompany planning applications. In addition to nationally set requirements, planning authorities can agree its own local list of further information requirements to reflect the particular local circumstances and planning policy requirements operating in their area.  In preparing the list of information requirements, the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (2023) makes it clear that planning authorities should only request supporting information that is relevant, necessary and material to the application.  The revised documents have been prepared in accordance with planning policy and guidance, the experience from existing casework and common issues and matters raised during the planning process. Two new documents are proposed – one for County Council Community Development (Regulation 3 Development) and a second setting out the requirements for County Matter Development which covers both mineral and waste management development.


Supporting documents have been sent to PWTC office. Any comments are welcome to be sent over to by 3rd May.


Cllr D Kent proposed,

Cllr D Dray seconded:

PWTC submit a comment by the closing date.

Carried unanimously



The next meeting will take place at 7.45pm on Tuesday 7th May 2024 in the Day Centre, Commercial Road, Paddock Wood



Meeting closed at 7:45pm

Paddock Wood Town Council