
Planning & Environment Minutes – 3rd May 2022

Minutes Uploaded on May 27, 2022


The Podmore Building, St Andrews Field, St Andrews Road

Paddock Wood, Kent, TN12 6HT

Telephone:  01892 837373

MINUTES of the Planning and Environment Committee meeting held on Tuesday 3rd of May 2022 at 7.45 pm at the Day Centre Commercial Road


PRESENT:                 Cllr C Williams, in the chair

Cllr A Mackie, Cllr T Bisdee,            Cllr M Ridger. Cllr R Moon,


IN ATTENDANCE:    Mrs. C Reilly


APOLOGIES             D Sargison





To APPROVE the minutes of the meeting held on 21st February 2022






Application Address and proposal Comments


Church Farm And Land Church Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent. Submission of Details in Relation to Condition 16 (Surface Water Drainage Verification Report) of 14/504140/HYBRID) Cllr C Willams proposed and Cllr M Ridger seconded that the council object to the application on the grounds in Appendix A to the minutes. Unanimous.
b)22/01059/FULL (Margaret Fisher House) 32 Old Kent Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge TN12 6JD. Erection of six new dwellings in a terrace of three units with associated car parking spaces. Cllr R Moon proposed and Cllr M Ridger seconded that the Council object to the application on the grounds that:

·         The development of the site is over intensive.

·         The high roofline will deprive adjacent properties of light and result in overlooking.

·         The operation of the adjacent assisted living facility will be compromised with loss of parking and no access for emergency vehicles.





Application Address and details of proposals TWBC    decision Town Council Comments  
21/02324/FULL Trenches Farmhouse Knowle Road Brenchley Tonbridge Kent TN12 7DJ. Extension to existing garage and roof to provide ancillary accommodation / office space Refused


No objection.
22/00239/FULL Erection of first floor side and rear extension | 76A Warrington Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6HR Permitted No objection to the application subject to clear provision in conditions for the protection of access to neighbouring properties as explained in the two neighbour comments submitted
22/00608/FULL Erection of single storey rear extension | 28 Clover Way Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6BQ Permitted No objection to this application subject to provision being made for any additional surface water.
22/00486/FULL Installation of twin-track access across existing paddock to serve lawful camping and caravanning club site. Installation of parking / turning areas using permeable road planings; installation of foul water and grey water sealed tanks. | Mile Oak Stables Mile Oak Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6NG Permitted Extensive objection
22/00141/FULL Erection of single storey side and rear extensions to existing dwelling. Erection of enlarged porch | 20 Granary Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6HJ Permitted No objection to this application subject to provision being made for disposal of additional surface water from the roof area and for provision for the additional foul water connection. The Council would like to be advised how these requirements are to be addressed.


These were noted


PE118             CHAIRMANS REPORT



Members discussed the efficacy of Speedwatch in addressing speeding in the town.

Cllrs R Moon, M. Ridger, T.Bisdee and C. Williams said that they would be willing to take part on a rotation basis subject to work commitments if residents came forward and were also willing to volunteer. Cllr C Williams proposed, and Cllr R Moon seconded that the residents who had expressed an interest should be contacted along with other councilors and if sufficient numbers were available the PSCO’s should be contacted to arrange training and the SID equipment recalibrated to allow the scheme to recommence. Unanimous.




Working party to report back on meeting 26th April with KCC Highways. Cllr Mackie reported back on the meeting and advised that KCC had determined that none of the suggested proposals were currently acceptable either in highway’s terms or due to lack of up-to-date traffic data. Members expressed disappointment that their efforts appeared to have been ineffective and that it had been made clear that any traffic surveys or subsequent measures would have to be proposed and paid for by the Town Council. Cllr C Williams proposed, and Cllr R Moon seconded that a proposal to drop the HIP should be taken to full council along with a report of the meeting and the conclusions of the P&E Committee that it was of no benefit to take part in the scheme as it would not address residents’ concerns as obtained by public consultation. Unanimous.



To consider the Town Council’s hearing statements for submission to the Inspector.

To note the hearings schedule and decide which councillors will attend.

Deadline for confirming attendance is 6th May. It was agreed that the Consultant should be instructed to advise the Hearings Programme Officer that a representative would attend the hearings on the 26th and 27th of May and the 15th of June along with the Consultant.

Deadline for submitting all statements is 11th May. Members had no comments about the draft statements as provided. The deputy clerk would review any alterations and additions as made by the consultant and provide members with copied of the final versions submitted.


PE120             DATE OF NEXT MEETING 

The next meeting will take place at 7.00 pm on Monday 16th of May at 7.00pm in the Day Centre, Commercial Road, Paddock Wood.




Meeting closed at 9.25pm



Paddock Wood Town Council