
Full Council Minutes – 18th September 2023

Minutes Uploaded on October 11, 2023


The Podmore Building, St Andrews Field, St Andrews Road

Paddock Wood, Kent, TN12 6HT

Telephone:  01892 837373

MINUTES OF A MEETING OF PADDOCK WOOD TOWN COUNCIL HELD ON Monday 18th September 2023 at 7.45 pm in The Day Centre, Commercial Road, Paddock Wood

PRESENT:                            Cllr H Atkins, (in the Chair)

Cllrs R. Atkins, (TWBC) D. Dray, S. Hamilton, (KCC)D. Kent, N. Maari, A. Mackie, T. Mobbs, (Until item C67), R. Moon, (TWBC) M. Munday, (TWBC), D. Sargison, J. Thompson, C. Williams.


IN ATTENDANCE:               Mrs N Reay, Clerk to the Council


Representatives from KCC Highways were in attendance and updated members on the improvements to the junction at Badsell Road/Maidstone Road (see attached correspondence)


Members were advised that although plans had been considered to increase the capacity of the roundabout at Dampiers Corner due to land constraints there was insufficient space to carry out the work.  Whilst it was recognised that improvements were needed for this area further work would need to be carried out to find a solution.


Plans were however progressing for the improvements to the junction of Badsell Road and Maidstone Road.  Developers had made land available to take away the staggered crossing.  This would allow for a signal-controlled crossing with pedestrian access.


The area however was prone to flooding.  KCC had to satisfy the Environment Agency that the plans would alleviate the problem.  Flood modelling and Risk Assessments had been carried out, and a drainage basin would be needed on the island.  This would be maintained by KCC. Adjoining residents had been notified in August, by letter.


A planning application would be submitted to the KCC Planning authority in October and it was hoped that the work would start in Summer 2024.  Work would hopefully be completed by Christmas 2024.


As much vegetation as possible would be retained, however the tree at the Junction of Mascalls Court Road could not be retained but additional off site planting could be considered.


Members asked if improvements could be made for cyclists and if the school could be approached to have its path upgraded to encourage more cycling.  Also, whether the opportunity could be taken to improve parking on Mascalls Court Road.  This could be looked at.

The Officers were thanked for attending the meeting and updating members.



None present.



CC Hamilton confirmed that she had not received any questions.  But noted that the NP had finally passed the referendum and paid tribute to all who had worked on it, in particular the former chairman, Meryl Flashman.


BC Munday advised that officers from Town and Country Housing would be willing to attend a council meeting if members would like them to.  It was agreed that they should be invited to either the November or December meeting.


BC Moon advised that the Draft Local Plan was progressed and there is likely to be a consultation in either January or February 2024.

The NP will hopefully help.



            There were no declarations of interest.



a) The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 21st August 2023 were APPROVED, with the following amendment:

C54d) – to include the CC Manager.

b) The minutes of the Planning Environment Committee meeting held on the 21st August 2023 & 4th September 2023 were NOTED.

c) The minutes of the Governance Meeting held on 29th August 2023 were NOTED.



a) C52 – the order has been placed for the key holder service

b) C55 – leaflets for the NP referendum were printed and distributed. Cllr Mobbs was thanked for arranging the distribution.

c) Public Toilets – a quote for cleaning has been received from one contractor and another is awaited. It is hoped to have all details to put to members at the October meeting.



a) Replacement Officer Member protocol –

Cllr R Atkins proposed, Cllr Hamilton seconded:

The Civility & Respect Model Protocol should be approved.


Cllr Williams proposed, Cllr Moon seconded the following amendment:

Subject to a review by the Personnel Committee.

CARRIED 11 in favour, 1 against (Cllr Hamilton) 1 abstention


b) Updated Adverse Weather Management Plan.

Cllr Thompson proposed, Cllr Hamilton seconded:

That the Plan should be adopted and include the following:

  • The Memorial Car Park should also be included in the gritting schedule.
  • Under High Winds – that in the event of Foal Hurst wood being closed due to high winds a statement should be placed on the website warning residents to be aware of the trees when on the public footpaths in other areas.


CARRIED unanimously.


(Cllr Mobbs left the meeting)



a) Cllr Hamilton proposed, Cllr Thompson seconded:

That payment vouchers: nos 288 – 366 should be APPROVED.

CARRIED unanimously.

b) The receipt vouchers: nos 156 – 170 were NOTED.



a) The application to amend the opening hours of the nursery portion of the Centre had been approved.

b) The official opening took place on the 3rd September and was well attended.

(Cllr Hamilton expressed concern that Cllr Williams was present for the following items as she was a director of the Community Centre. Cllr Williams stated that she did not need to     declare an interest as they were non pecuniary.)

c) Cllr Moon proposed, Cllr R Atkins seconded:

That a 6 month extension to the licence to occupy should be approved.

CARRIED 10 in favour, 2 abstentions.

d) Cllr Munday proposed, Cllr Moon seconded:

That the directors should be thanked for their work and asked to continue in their positions.

CARRIED 9 in favour 2 abstentions.


It was suggested that the directors should be asked to call an AGM in April with is 6 months after the accounts are due.


e) Members received a report from the Centre Manager which was noted.



Cllr H Atkins proposed, Cllr Munday seconded:

Under section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (admission to meetings) Act 1960 the following item should be exempt from the press and public due to legal privilege & commercial confidentiality.

CARRIED 9 in favour, 1 against, 1 abstention.


Members received a report from the directors. Cllr Munday reported that the directors had started to develop a budget ready for the Council’s Finance meeting in November.


The meeting was re-opened to the public.



The Neighbourhood Plan had passed the referendum.


The results were as follows:

YES                  843

NO                  268




            Both the Governance and Personnel Committees only have 4 members at present.  As a legal quorum is 3 this could at times make the committees short of members.  It was recommended that an additional member should be appointed to the committees so that there is a minimum of 5 on each committee.

Cllr Moon proposed. Cllr Munday seconded:

That Cllr Kent should be appointed to the Personnel Committee.

CARRIED      unanimously.


Cllr H Atkins, Cllr R Atkins seconded:

That Cllr Williams should be appointed to the Governance Committee.

CARRIED unanimously.



            Cllr Munday outlined the idea of Garden Therapy to members.

Cllr Munday proposed, Cllr R Atkins seconded:

That members should support the initiative and Cllr Williams would facilitate an introduction to the organisers of the Tonbridge scheme.

CARRIED unanimously.



Cllr R Atkins proposed, Cllr H Atkins seconded:

That councillor surgeries should be re-introduced monthly.

CARRIED 10 in favour, 2 abstentions.


Possible locations were discussed, and dates would be emailed to members.



            Templates would be circulated to members.



            To receive updates from representatives

(a)       Chairman’s meeting – the next meeting would be on 27th September 2023.

(b)       Paddock Wood Business Association – Members from the Economic Development Team at TWBC had attended a recent breakfast meeting.

(c)       Bereko Committee   – the quiz would take place on 23rd September 2023.

(d)       KALC – The NP and disposal of public toilets had been discussed.

(e)       Medway Valley Line – Kent Railway Partnership were installing signage around the station and were seeking any old photos which may be available for use.

(f)        Hop Pickers Line – permission had been received from KCC to install the signage opposite the John Brunt Pub. The Horsemonden Nostalgia Day would be taking place on 23rd September and the HP Line group would be present.

(g)       Youth Council – The first meeting of the new season had taken place.  New members had joined, and the Council had been invited to the Houses of Parliament by the MP and to also meet the mayor. They were engaging with local schools to increase membership.

(h)       Putlands Leisure Centre – meeting took place on 5th September and representatives had offered to attend a council meeting and give a presentation to members.

Cllr H Atkins proposed, Cllr Hamilton seconded:

That Cllr Moon joins the Liaison group.

CARRIED unanimously.

(i)         Highway Improvement Plan – no report

(k)        Reports from meetings which members have attended on behalf of the Town Council. – no further reports.



The next meeting will take place on Monday 16th October 2023 at 7.45 in the Day Centre.



The meeting closed at 10.30 pm.



Paddock Wood Town Council