
Estates Minutes – 9th October 2023

Minutes Uploaded on December 7, 2023


The Podmore Building, St Andrews Road, Paddock Wood

Tonbridge, Kent, TN12 6HT

Telephone:  01892 837373



Monday 9th October 2023 in the Day Centre Commercial Road at 7.45 pm



PRESENT:                            Cllrs R Atkins, in the Chair

A Mackie, D Kent, T Mobbs, R Moon, D Sargison, J Thompson


IN ATTENDANCE:               Mrs N Reay, Town Clerk,

Mr C Smith, Estates Manager

2 residents for Skate Park item

APOLOGY:                           Cllr H Atkins,



                        There were no declarations of interest.



Cllr R Atkins proposed, Cllr Kent seconded:

The minutes of the meeting held on the 11th September 2023 should be APPROVED.

CARRIED unanimously


The agenda order was changed to allow for the Skate Park upgrade & confidential items to be to be discussed first.


ES51              UP GRADE OF SKATE PARK

Members held a discussion as to whether the Skate Park should remain in the existing location, or an alternative should be considered.

The following issues were discussed:

  • Drainage on the site – was it adequate or would it need upgrading? An increase in the hard surface area could cause potential problems.  These would need to be addressed first.
  • If events were held in the new skate park would there be enough parking
  • Green Lane might be more appropriate as developments were being carried out on that side of town
  • There was enough space on the site to expand the skate park
  • Road safety
  • There was no doubt that an upgraded skate park was required. A recent survey carried out by the skateboarders had shown that out of 174 responses 69.4% were in favour of a new improved skate park.


The Clerk advised that when the original skate park was built in 2007 extensive research had been undertaken to establish the best location and Putlands was selected. There is already Planning permission for this site.  There are soakaways already installed on the site and they would need to be checked to see if they had sufficient capacity.  There were also plans to improve the junction at Badsell Road/Mascalls Court Road with improved pedestrian crossings.

Cllr R Atkins proposed, Cllr Room seconded:

That the Committee agrees to upgrade the Skateboard park in its existing location.

CARRIED 5 in favour, 1 against, 1 abstention.


Cllr R Atkins proposed, Cllr Thompson seconded:

That under section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (admission to meetings) Act 1960 the following items Should be be exempt from the press and public.

CARRIED unanimously.


b) Members considered the fee proposal from the consultant. There would be an initial fee for fundraising with additional services available if requested.


Cllr Thompson proposed, Cllr R Atkins seconded:

That the Council does not proceed with the Consultant but allows officers to carry out further research and report back.


CARRIED unanimously.



Members considered the Memorandum of Understanding for the Community Payback Service.


Cllr R Atkins proposed, Cllr Mobbs seconded:

That the Council accepts the MoU, with the exclusion of those on the sexual offences register.


CARRIED unanimously.


Standing orders were re-instated.



a) The works to the playground at St Andrews Play area have been completed. The cost of renewing the fence around the car park have been received.  It had previously been agreed that the wooden fence should be replaced with a metal bow topped fence.  The costs are as follows:

section 1 around play area – £1860

Section 2 around car park – £3225


Cllr R Atkins proposed, Cllr mackie seconded.

that section 1 should be replaced immediately.


CARRIED unanimously.


Section 2 would be replaced next financial year.


  1. b) Work on the pond clearance has been delayed until the 10th October 2023.


ES54              CEMETERY

A request has been received from a family to be allowed to erect kerb stones surrounding their plots. This has been requested for cultural reasons.  The Council’s cemetery rules state “Individual planting of graves spaces is not permitted, and the erection of kerbstones ……………….is not permitted.”  A copy of the rules can be found on the website


Cemetery B, which is the open section of the Cemetery is laid out as a lawned cemetery.  This allows for a single headstone for each plot, the sizes of which are specified in the Cemetery Rules.  The cemetery can then be mown along the rows.


Members discussed whether to allow for kerbs to be installed around plots as requested. Members considered the following issues:

  • Maintenance issues
  • Cultural issues
  • If allowed, should it be retrospective.


Cllr R Atkins proposed, Cllr Thompson seconded:

That the Council does not amend the cemetery rules to allow for kerbing.

CARRIED 6 in favour 2 abstentions.


ES55              FOAL HURST WOOD

a) The Wood was opened in 2000 with a Country Fair- it will be its 25th anniversary in 2025. Members agree that this should be marked with an event.  Discussions would be had with the volunteer groups and a request put in the newsletter for ideas.


Cllr R Atkins proposed, Cllr Mackie seconded:

That a 25-anniversary event should be organised and £10k should be allowed for in the budget to finance it.

CARRIED unanimously.


  1. b) Waitrose have donated a £1000 for use in Foal Hurst Wood.


ES56              OLD CHURCH YARD

a) Cllr Thompson proposed, Cllr Kent seconded:

That the quote from Kent Gardening Ltd should be accepted.

CARRIED unanimously.


b) Friends of Old Church Yard – 5 volunteers have contacted the council with an offer to help. It was agreed that once the heavy undergrowth has been cut back a meeting is held with the volunteers to determine a plan of action.


.ES57             HANGING BASKETS FOR 2024

The hanging baskets had been removed.

Cllr Mobbs proposed, Cllr Kent seconded:

That the baskets should be repeated for 2024.

CARRIED unanimously.


ES58              LEVELLING UP FUND

The Estates Manger made a further application to the Levelling Up Fund for the following sites:

  1. i) Whites Corner
  2. ii) Batters and Mount Pleasant

iii)        Planting at Memorial Park


Each application was for £3500.  The only site to be successful was Whites Corner and a grant of £2038 has been offered.


A contractor to clear the vegetation to the rear of the site would cost £1020.  Soil and new plants would still need to be bought from the remaining fund. The Estates Manager advised that the Estates Staff carry out the replanting work, but a contractor was needed to dig out the old stumps.  There was likely to be a shortfall of about £200 which could be taken from the planting cost centre. The adjoining residents would be notified.


Cllr R Atkins proposed, Cllr Mobbs seconded:

That the £2038 should be accepted and the work progressed.

CARRIED      Unanimously


ES59              FOR INFORMATION

Complaints have been received regarding bonfires on the allotments.  The tenancy agreement is not specific on the banning of bonfires.  A full review of the tenancy agreement is required.


ES60              DATE of NEXT MEETING

                        The next meeting will take place on Monday 13th November 2023.




The meeting closed at 10.15 pm

Paddock Wood Town Council