
Estates Agenda – 14th August 2023

Agendas Uploaded on August 10, 2023


The Podmore Building, St Andrews Road, Paddock Wood

Tonbridge, Kent, TN12 6HT

Telephone:  01892 837373


NOTICE OF A MEETING OF THE ESTATES COMMITTEE TO BE held on Monday 14 August 2023 in the Day Centre Commercial Road at 7.45 pm.



COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Cllr H Atkins, R Atkins, A Mackie, D Kent, T Mobbs, R Moon,

D Sargison, J Thompson







To APPROVE the minutes of the meeting held on the 10th July 2023.



                        To be updated on any matters arising from the previous minutes not covered elsewhere.


a) ES14 – A revised quote or £3029.32 for the repairs to the roundabout at St Andrews had been received.  The Town Council approved the use of funds from the reserves at its meeting on the 17th July 2023.  The order has been placed and a confirmed installation date is awaited.

b) ES14 (e) – the tree at Memorial Field behind the tennis courts has been removed.  The final bill was £930.

c) ES21 – Foal Hurst Wood- the order had been placed for the tree inspection and for the removal of the tree identified during the visit by the tree surgeon.

d) ES22 – the repairs to the pipe at the allotment had been carried out.  The final bill was £1,700 as a further leak was identified whilst the plumber was on site.

e) TWBC have approved the release of £146,997.92 s106 funding for sport improvements at the Memorial Field.  There is currently £41,641. Held in the Council’s reserves from the previous draw down. Total £188,638.92.



                        The above guidance comes under the remit of the Governance Committee.  Members are asked to consider the following for recommendation to Governance Committee at its meeting on the 29th August 2023.  A copy of the current guidance is attached.



                        Members are asked to confirm that the Estates Manager and/or Town Clerk have the authority to close the wood if deemed necessary due to adverse weather conditions.



The Town Council receives 10 x 15 kg bags of a salt and grit mix from KCC to help with gritting.  This is not for use on Town Council Property.  The Town Council must                         supply its own for its property.  The Estates Manager has advised that this is insufficient to grit the areas detailed in the plan. Further grit would need to be purchased from Town Council funds.  This has not been budgeted for.  Members are asked to consider which areas of the Town they wish to grit and fund.


ES25              GREEN LANE

A resident has contacted the council to advise that the roots from an adjacent poplar on town council land are encroaching into his garden and there are concerns that they  will damage the drains.  A quote for £590 has been obtained by the resident to remove the tree.  The Council’s insurers have been contacted and they have advised that the council could well be liable if damage was to occur to the residents’ drains.

Members are asked to approve the removal of the tree.  Additional quotes can be sought; however, this quote is considered by the Estates Manager to be quite reasonable for the work required. There is no TPO on this tree.



                        Following on from its culvert replacement works at Catts Place on Mile Oak Road, KCC have found that the watercourse flows towards Pearsons Green Road and into a culvert around the corner into Pearsons Green Road. They would like to remove as much of the culvert as possible to open the channel back up into an open ditch. As this is adjacent to Town Council land, KCC claim this falls under riparian ownership therefore keeping this clear is the responsibility of the Town Council. KCC are happy to do these works as a gesture of goodwill as removing the culvert and creating an open ditch allows for easier maintenance of the channel for the Town and will ensure the watercourse continues to flow effectively.  The Estates Manager considers this to be a reasonable course of action.


Members are asked to permit the above works by KCC.


Google earth map attached.


ES27              PONDS

                        See attached report.


ES28              MEMORIAL CAR PARK

                        The Estates Manager has raised concerns about the condition of the planting by the contractors when the Community Centre was built.  A defect notice has been raised                         with the contractors.  However, they dispute that the issues are defects.  Attached is their response and the Estates Manager’s comments.

Members are asked if they wish to accept the response from the contractors. Photos are attached.


ES29              BENCHES

The Town Council has three benches to site on the Memorial Field, the coronation bench and two memorial benches for Paddock Wood Residents.  Members had discussed placing them in front of the Memorial Car park facing the field, but it had been agreed to wait until the hoardings had been removed before finalising the location.  The families of the memorial benches have been consulted.


ES30              PLAY AREAS

                        See attached report.

  1. a) St Andrews Field
  2. b) Clover Way



                        The Estates Manager has advised that the Estates Staff should monitor their use of equipment for Hand Arm Vibrations.  This can be done 2 ways:


a) Manually using paper books and calculating the levels

b) Monitoring equipment – a quote has been received for £2749.76 for the necessary equipment.  There will be an ongoing cost of £70/pa once the equipment has been purchased.


The Estates Manager has advised that in the short-term manual recording could be carried out but longer term the monitoring equipment will be more efficient.  Members are asked to approve the inclusion of the equipment in the budget for 2024.


ES32              DOG FOULING

There has been an increase in dog fouling on town council property.  A dog fouling campaign for the town council property is required. The Council previously installed                         banners on its fields. Cost of new banners are being sought and should be available for the meeting.



The Estates Manager has asked for clarification of the Ground staff status within the council, as to whether they should be described as officers or not.

The LGA states “A council’s paid employees are called officers.”

The Estates Committee is asked to make a recommendation for ratification by the Personnel committee, as to the status of the Council estates staff.



The pond dipping platform at Orchard Meadow has been burnt and vandalised.  See attached pictures.  It is the recommendation of both the Estates Chairman and Estates                         Manager that the platform is removed, and the area made safe.


ES35              PUTLANDS TREES

                        During the weekend of the 29/30th July a large willow fell at the rear of Putlands Leisure Centre.  The Estates Manager attended over the weekend along with the Chairman and secured the site as the tree was too large for him to deal with.  The tree surgeon attended the site on Monday 31st July and cleared the tree.  The cost was £420.

The remaining willows on the site need attending too and the tree surgeon has estimated that the work will cost £3500.  A formal quote is awaited.


ES36              DATE OF NEXT MEETING

The next meeting will take place on Monday 11th September 2023



Paddock Wood Town Council