Sophie Marsh, Community Warden for Paddock Wood has been introducing herself to the community and visiting various groups, providing advice and support and advice on a variety of matters and supporting residents with issues they have brought to her attention.
The purpose of the Community Warden role essentially remains the same which is to provide a proactive and visible presence … to improve residents quality of life and promote stronger and safer communities.
Sophie can be contacted on the following details:
Email address –
Contact Number – 07816 201643
Sophie has also been busy organising an event, An Information Day with her colleague, Laura Horn the Community Liaison Officer from Kent Police.
The event will be taking place on Tuesday, 18th February 2025 10am – 1pm at the Paddock Wood Community Centre, there will be a number of different agencies attending who will be on hand to talk to residents, offer advice and support and have useful information to take away. The following organisations who have confirmed they will be attending so far include:
Age Uk
Citizens Advice Bureau – Energy Team
South East Water
Paddock Wood Advice Centre
The Community Storehouse – foodbank
Social Services Adult Social Care
Kent Police
‘One You’ Health Team
KCC Community Wardens
Home Improvement Agency
Kent Fire & Rescue
Kenward Trust
Dementia Friends Community
Inspire Platform