Terms of Reference for the Planning & Environment Committee
The Planning and Environment Committee considers the environmental and planning aspects of development in the Parish and immediate surrounding area.
Terms of Reference
- To consider all planning aspects of development within the Town.
- To decide the council’s responses to consultations on planning applications from Tunbridge Wells Borough Council.
- To make recommendation to the council on statutory and non-statutory planning policy documents.
- To select from its membership an appropriate person or persons to represent the Council at site meetings and public enquiries to represent the Council’s previously agreed views.
- Consider any issues/projects which may have an impact on the environment of Paddock Wood eg Speedwatch, policing & Highways Improvement Plan.
- Facilitate the arrangements for the Remembrance Sunday Parade in liaison with the Royal British Legion and St Andrews Church.
Committee membership
Committee membership is approved at the Annual Meeting of the Town Council which is held on the third Monday of May.
The committee may, if it wishes co-opt non-councillors to sit on the committee.
The Committee Chairman & Vice Chairman are elected at the first committee meeting after the Annual Meeting of the Town Council.
Frequency of meetings and quorum
The committee will generally meet on the first and third Monday of every month. This may be varied depending on the amount of business at any one time.
The quorum of the committee is 50%.
- To recommend items relating to income and expenditure as set out in the Council’s annual budget.
- To respond as a consultee to any planning application or consultation documents.
Reviewed April 2023