
Strategic Sites Working Group Meetings

TWBC Local Plan Uploaded on November 17, 2021




The Strategic Sites working group is organised by Tunbridge Wells Borough Council. Representatives from Paddock Wood Town Council & the Neighbourhood Plan are invited to attend along with representatives from Capel Parish Council & Neighbourhood Plan, developers, the Borough Councillors, planners & consultants.

The Borough Council issues a summary of what was discussed after each meeting.  These are detailed below:

10th December 2019 ·         Agreed that minutes and actions of meetings of 4th September 2019 were not public, but a summary would be prepared and agreed at the subsequent meeting, and would be publicly available (or could, for example, be included in the minutes of the Parish of Town Council).

·         An update was provided as to the position of the Sevenoaks, Wealden, T&M and Maidstone Council Local Plans.

·         SB explained that the TWBC Draft Local Plan Regulation 18 consultation had been extended until the 15th November: was looking that there were over 2,000 individual representations, and some additional land had been provided, including around Paddock Wood.

·         Paddock Wood Neighbourhood Development Plan was looking to recommence work.

·         Meeting between TMBC, TWBC, MBC and KCC Highways scheduled for 10th December 2019 at KCC to discuss highway and transport infrastructure impact and provision.

·         Updates provided on land to rear of Commercial Road (no Hearing date set), the planning application at Mascalls for 117 additional dwellings had been received, a

5th February 2020 ·         The representations received on the DLP, including additional sites.

·         The position of the TMBC Local Plan.

·         The Hadlow Estate’s proposals for a design charrette in mid-March.

·         That the draft invitation to tender scope had been provided to the housebuilders/Turnberry, and requests were made for feedback on this.

·         Various sites with current planning/reserved matters applications.  PW TC expressed concerns regarding elements of the Church Farm RM, and TWBC were clear that connectivity through the Church Farm site was important.

·         The situation of Capel PC regarding its thoughts for a NDP, and PW TC’s approach to now taking forward the NDP for PW.

·         Additionally, there were discussions about extending the invitations to the SSWG.  Key potential employment providers would be invited to the May meeting (and as part of a post meeting update) others will be invited to the July meeting

4th March 2020 ·         The key matters discussed were the design charrette scheduled to be held by the Hadlow Estate, with information and the timetable explained by Turnberry, and the progress being made on the taking forward the framework to procure consultants for the master planning/framework planning.

·         Other updates were provided in relation to the two NDPs and key sites within Paddock Wood.

20th May 2020 ·         revised Local Development Scheme.

·         position of the TMBC Local Plan.

·         the brief to tender for the Master planning exercise following receipt of comments.

·         Hadlow Estate’s proposals as the design charrette planned for March was postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

·         position on the Neighbourhood Plans for Capel and Paddock Wood.

·         various sites with current planning/reserved matters applications.  PW TC expressed concerns regarding elements of the Church Farm RM, and TWBC was clear that connectivity through the Church Farm site was important; and

·         on the progress from Southern Water of delivering a new pipeline in Paddock Wood.

1st July 2020 ·         revised Local Development Scheme.

·         position of the TMBC Local Plan and its new hearing dates.

·         the brief to tender for the Master planning exercise following receipt of comments.

·         Hadlow Estate’s proposals to progress its Masterplan.

·         position on the Neighbourhood Plans for Capel and Paddock Wood.

·         various sites with current planning/reserved matters applications.

·         progress from Southern Water of delivering a new pipeline in Paddock Wood, and.

·         establishment of technical sub-groups to drive the master planning work forward.

5th August 2020 ·         Local Cycle and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) and the next steps to be undertaken by the consultants, PJA.

·         the appointment of the master planning consultants.

·         Hadlow Estate’s proposals to progress its Masterplan.

·         Duty to Cooperate duties with neighbouring authorities.

·         position on the Neighbourhood Plans for Capel and Paddock Wood.

·         various sites with current planning/reserved matters applications.

·         progress from Southern Water of delivering a new pipeline in Paddock Wood

16th December 2020 ·         David Lock Associates’ master planning progress

·         TWBC Local Plan progress

·         Hadlow Estate’s proposals to progress its Masterplan.

·         Duty to Cooperate requirements with neighbouring authorities.

·         position on the Neighbourhood Plans for Capel and Paddock Wood.

·         various sites with current planning/reserved matters applications.

·         progress from Southern Water of delivering a new pipeline in Paddock Wood

3rd February 2021 ·         David Lock Associates’ master planning progress

·         TWBC Local Plan progress

·         Hadlow Estate’s proposals to progress its Masterplan.

·         Duty to Cooperate requirements with neighbouring authorities.

·         position on the Neighbourhood Plans for Capel and Paddock Wood.

·         various sites with current planning/reserved matters applications.

·         progress from Southern Water of delivering a new pipeline in Paddock Wood.

·         progress on Network Rail matters

3rd March 2021 ·         David Lock Associates’ master planning progress particularly on the Town Centre work.

·         TWBC Local Plan progress

·         Duty to Cooperate requirements with neighbouring authorities.

·         position on the Neighbourhood Plans for Capel and Paddock Wood

·        various sites in Paddock Wood with current planning/reserved matters applications;

7th April 2021 ·         David Lock Associates’ master planning proposals on the Town Centre of Paddock Wood.

·         TWBC Local Plan progress

·         Duty to Cooperate requirements with neighbouring authorities.

·         position on the Neighbourhood Plans for Capel and Paddock Wood.

·         various sites in Paddock Wood with current planning/reserved matters applications.

·         progress from Southern Water of delivering a new pipeline in Paddock Wood.

·         progress on Network Rail matters


5th May 2021 Updates were provided on the:

·        TWBC Local Plan progress

·        Duty to Cooperate requirements with neighbouring authorities;

·        position on the Neighbourhood Plans for Capel and Paddock Wood;

·        various sites in Paddock Wood with current planning/reserved matters applications;

·        progress from Southern Water of delivering a new pipeline in Paddock Wood;

·        progress on Network Rail matters


Paddock Wood Town Council