
Planning Minutes – 7th March 2022

Minutes Uploaded on March 16, 2022



The Podmore Building, St Andrews Field, St Andrews Road

Paddock Wood, Kent, TN12 6HT

Telephone:  01892 837373

MINUTES of the Planning and Environment Committee meeting held on Monday 7th February 2022 at 7.45 pm at the Day Centre Commercial Road


PRESENT:                 Cllr C Williams, in the chair

Cllr R Moon, Bisdee, D. Kent and M.Ridger


IN ATTENDANCE:    Mrs C Reilly Deputy Clerk


APOLOGIES              Cllr D Sargison, Cllr A Mackie.






To APPROVE the minutes of the meeting held on 21st of February ,2022.

These were approved and signed by the Chairman.




Application Address and proposal Comments
a) 22/00445/FULL British Car Auctions Eldon Way Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6BE. Variation of Condition 6 of 16/500798/FULL – Changes to opening hours Cllr R Moon proposed and Cllr D Kent seconded that the Council object to the application on the grounds that:

1.    The applicant is attempting to normalise a breach of the hours of operation imposed by previous planning permissions

2.    The large transporters are a safety hazard to the adjacent properties and to residents and pedestrians in Nursery Road

3.    They fail to observe the priority for traffic from Nursery Road when negotiating the exit from Eldon Way placing private vehicles at risk.

4.    Severe detriment to the residential amenity of residents in Nursery Road and on Maidstone Road with noise and pollution from the large lorries, disturbance from noise and from alarms from transported vehicles ringing out. All vehicles entering and leaving have to pass through residential streets.

5.     All other businesses on Eldon Way  operate only between 7.30am and 6pm Monday to Saturday and not on Sunday and Bank Holidays thus allowing residents some peace.  Increased opening hours will also increase the volume of normal traffic in and out of the site further causing pollution and disruption to residents.

6.    Increased light pollution from longer operating hours- lighting is already left on overnight which is not permitted by the applicant’s planning permission. These overnight floodlights have caused bats to disappear from the area and the watercourses around the site show evidence of oil slick caused by failure to deal with contaminated surface water run off. The Council appreciates that the latter point are an enforcement issue but feel that they should also inform the decision upon this application.


b))22/00248/FULL 17 Ashcroft Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6LQ. Erection of single storey rear extension, demolition of the outbuilding and raising the height of the garage roof Cllr C Williams proposed and Cllr M Ridger seconded that the Council have no objection subject to provision for dealing with additional surface water run off and that consideration is given to the fact that the extension will cover 2 existing man holes which will have to be replaced elsewhere on site for access to drains to be maintained. Unanimous
c) 22/00299/FULL Lake House Knowle Lane Brenchley Tonbridge Kent TN12 7BQ. Retention of existing driveway and access onto Knowle Road (retrospective) Cllr C Williams proposed and Cllr D Kent seconded that the Council have no objection to this application. 4 in favour 1 abstention. Carried.
d)22/00312/SUB Church Farm And Land Church Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent. Submission of Details in Relation to Condition 16 (Surface Water Drainage Verification Report) of 14/504140/HYBRID) Cllr M Ridger proposed and Cllr C Williams seconded that The Town Council objects to the approval of this on the following grounds

1.    Kent County Council is the lead local flood authority and as per the comment from the Environment Agency it is for them to approve and or verify the design and installation of the surface water drainage. It is also required by statute to be approved by the Upper Medway Internal Drainage Board as both the East and West Rhoden water courses are within their area of operation. Proximity to the Railway Line should also require a consultation with Network Rail Asset protection in case of risk to the line. Pending comments from both these bodies the Council maintain their objection and also make the following comments on the report as drafted:

2.    Attenuation pond 1- report states it has been designed as a normally dry pond that will accommodate excess ion the event of storm events. It has been full since early January despite the driest autumn and winter that we have had for some years. The photograph was clearly taken in the summer when the pond was still under construction.  As previously stated the Town Council is concerned therefore that in the event of a storm event the pond will breach in the direction of the housing ( clearly show in figure 3) and cause residential properties to be flooded.

3.    Attenuation basin 2 – report states it has been designed as a normally dry pond that will accommodate excess ion the event of storm events. It has been full since early January despite the driest autumn and winter that we have had for some years. The photograph was clearly taken in the summer when the pond was still under construction.

4.    Alleviation basins 1 and 2 are to discharge to the West and East Rhoden (not Roden as in the report) Nowhere in the report is the permission from the Upper Medway Internal Drainage Board for permission to discharge into their water courses as per their statutory regulations.

5.    Figure 8 shows the near proximity of Flood alleviation basin 1 to the railway line. The Town Council is concerned that matters raised by Network Rail Asset protection regarding this proximity have not been addressed and that the railway line is at risk in the case of a breach.



e) 22/00172/FULL 11 The Violets Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6BH. Dormer roof extension to the principal elevation and new open porch roof to principal entrance. Proposals also include relocation of first floor rear elevation windows due to proposed changes to internal layout on first floor and loft floor Cllr C Williams proposed and Cllr M Ridger seconded that the Council have no objection to this application. Unanimous.




The Chairman had nothing to report.



PE98   Highways Improvement Plan

Members discussed the results of the resident survey and how they fed into the feasible options for             requests to be made to KCC. Cllr Ridger explained that although the Warrington Road proposal had             come out second overal in the preferences that was because the requests for addressing speed at             two locations had been combined into one section in the options results. Members were advised             that there was no guarantee that KCC would take forward any of the suggestions and that the Town             Council might be asked to contribute to costs if a scheme went forward.  Cllr M Ridger proposed             and Cllr C Williams seconded that the form should be completed by the Deputy Clerk  in                          accordance with the preferences outlined by the working party. It would then be checked by Cllr             Ridger for accuracy and submitted to KCC by the office. Unanimous.



The Chairman asked the Deputy Clerk to update members. Stage 1 of the hearings are complete and parties are waiting for the Inspector to determine whether the plan is fit to progress to Stage 2 of the hearings.This decision is expected imminently as they deadline for representations to Stage 2 is the 15th of March. If the Plan progresses to Stage 2 the consultant employed by the Town Council will prepare and deliver a hearings statement for the next stage and attend the hearings to represent the interests of the Town Council. The Consultants Stage 1 representations have been shared with members.







Application Address and details of proposals TWBC    decision Town Council Comments
21/03965/FULL Proposed vehicular access onto Pearson’s Green Road; modification of existing pedestrian way (part retrospective) | 2 Pearsons Green Cottages Pearsons Green Road Brenchley Tonbridge Kent, TN12 7DE permitted Object on the grounds that the driveway as installed is resulting in surface water flooding of the adjacent property
21/04024/LBC Listed Building Consent: Replace seven double-glazed windows with seven new 24mm double-glazed windows and new frames; replace existing ‘stable type’ door and frame to the rear of the property | Hawthorns Pearsons Green Road Brenchley Tonbridge TN12 7DH Application withdrawn  
21/04081/TPO TREES: LONDON PLANE (T1) – fell and re-plant with standard Prunus pandora; LONDON PLANE (T2) – fell and re-plant with standard Prunus pandora | 17 Eldon Way Paddock Wood Tonbridge TN12 6BE Refused Object to the removal of the mature trees and their replacement with ornamental varieties and suggest that the trees should be pollarded as has evidently been done before and repairs should be made to the surrounding hard landscaping that facilitates rainwater getting down to the tree roots
21/04021/FULL Ground floor rear infill extension, first floor rear extension, loft conversion with two front dormers and one rear dormer; Internal remodel to suit the proposed changes. | Stace House Maidstone Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6EA Permitted object on the grounds that: The proposal will result in a 3 storey building, overly dominant on the surround dwellings which will also be overlooked. The area is already subject to significant problems with surface water flooding which has been exacerbated by recent infill developments, hard landscaping and property extensions in the immediate area
21/03297/FULL Conversion of three existing outbuildings to dwellings with associated amenity space, parking and biodiversity enhancements | Fairfield Old Hay Brenchley Tonbridge Kent TN12 7DG permitted object on the following grounds The location is unsustainable as future residents will be dependent upon the use of the private car due to the rural location. The area is subject to surface water flooding. The ecology report appears inaccurate as it mentions the presence of numbers of bats but has not identified roosting areas so cannot demonstrate that these are not in the buildings earmarked for redevelopment.
21/03096/SUB Submission of Details in relation to Condition 15 (Surface Water Management Plan) of 14/504140/HYBRID. | Church Farm And Land Church Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent permitted Three substantial objections including specific critique of SUDS scheme.
21/02666/OUT Outline (All Matters Reserved) – Demolition of detached garage; erection of 1no. dwelling; new access track and parking; landscaping | 66 Church Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6HF permitted object on the grounds that It is an overintensive development of the site The access on the bend is hazardous There is no access to the bungalow or refuse vehicles or emergency services
21/02815/OUT Outline (Access not reserved) – Erection of 5 no dwelling houses comprising 2 no three-bedroom units and 3 no two-bedroom units, including access | Land Adjacent To Elm Tree Mile Oak Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent refused object on the following grounds The development is outside the limits to built development and adversely affects the rural landscape and causes harm to the character of the surrounding countryside. The location is unsustainable with no footway or street lighting along the route to Paddock Wood on a fast road with national speed limit applying. Residents would therefore be dependent on the private car to access local services. The form of development proposed is suburban in character and conflicts with the rural character of other properties in this area. The egress opposite the junction of Pearsons green road and adjacent to Church Road is dangerous due to poor visibility and speed of vehicles using Queen Street. The area is subject to frequent surface water flooding including in residential properties in nearby Catts Place. A FRA should therefore be requested and SUDS should be required as a condition of any permission if granted
21/03681/FULL Development of the site to provide 16 residential units, associated parking, landscaping and play space | Land And Open Space Goldings Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent Refused object on the following grounds: The egress onto Badsell road has poor visibility and is therefore a hazard both to people leaving the development and vehicles travelling along Badsell Road The application and the comments from the parking officer acknowledge that there is insufficient parking provided for the number of dwellings. In addition to this the proposal will result in the loss of an area of open grass space that is currently used as parking by residents of the flats in the Goldings. The parking officer acknowledges that the area of the Goldings and Ringden Avenue already has insufficient parking for residents and this has been exacerbated by the loss of garage areas which have been given over to further development. The Council agrees with this assessment. This area already suffers from regular foul drainage overflows in houses and the street and it is not clear how the outflows from such a sizeable development can be accommodated . No modelling has been provided by Southern Water to indicate that this can be added to the system at the same point as the large development at Mascalls Farm without increasing the number of overflows. Paddock Wood is an area of critical drainage and as such the building over of green space and removal of mature trees at this location is not acceptable. Loss of amenity space and play space for children


These were noted.



The next meeting will take place at 7.00 pm on Monday 21st of March ,2022

in the Winter Hall, St Andrews Church, Maidstone Road.


Meeting closed 9.10 pm







The Podmore Building, St Andrews Field, St Andrews Road

Paddock Wood, Kent, TN12 6HT

Telephone:  01892 837373

MINUTES of the Planning and Environment Committee meeting held on Monday 7th February 2022 at 7.45 pm at the Day Centre Commercial Road


PRESENT:                 Cllr C Williams, in the chair

Cllr R Moon, Bisdee, D. Kent and M.Ridger


IN ATTENDANCE:    Mrs C Reilly Deputy Clerk


APOLOGIES              Cllr D Sargison, Cllr A Mackie.






To APPROVE the minutes of the meeting held on 21st of February ,2022.

These were approved and signed by the Chairman.




Application Address and proposal Comments
a) 22/00445/FULL British Car Auctions Eldon Way Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6BE. Variation of Condition 6 of 16/500798/FULL – Changes to opening hours Cllr R Moon proposed and Cllr D Kent seconded that the Council object to the application on the grounds that:

1.    The applicant is attempting to normalise a breach of the hours of operation imposed by previous planning permissions

2.    The large transporters are a safety hazard to the adjacent properties and to residents and pedestrians in Nursery Road

3.    They fail to observe the priority for traffic from Nursery Road when negotiating the exit from Eldon Way placing private vehicles at risk.

4.    Severe detriment to the residential amenity of residents in Nursery Road and on Maidstone Road with noise and pollution from the large lorries, disturbance from noise and from alarms from transported vehicles ringing out. All vehicles entering and leaving have to pass through residential streets.

5.     All other businesses on Eldon Way  operate only between 7.30am and 6pm Monday to Saturday and not on Sunday and Bank Holidays thus allowing residents some peace.  Increased opening hours will also increase the volume of normal traffic in and out of the site further causing pollution and disruption to residents.

6.    Increased light pollution from longer operating hours- lighting is already left on overnight which is not permitted by the applicant’s planning permission. These overnight floodlights have caused bats to disappear from the area and the watercourses around the site show evidence of oil slick caused by failure to deal with contaminated surface water run off. The Council appreciates that the latter point are an enforcement issue but feel that they should also inform the decision upon this application.


b))22/00248/FULL 17 Ashcroft Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6LQ. Erection of single storey rear extension, demolition of the outbuilding and raising the height of the garage roof Cllr C Williams proposed and Cllr M Ridger seconded that the Council have no objection subject to provision for dealing with additional surface water run off and that consideration is given to the fact that the extension will cover 2 existing man holes which will have to be replaced elsewhere on site for access to drains to be maintained. Unanimous
c) 22/00299/FULL Lake House Knowle Lane Brenchley Tonbridge Kent TN12 7BQ. Retention of existing driveway and access onto Knowle Road (retrospective) Cllr C Williams proposed and Cllr D Kent seconded that the Council have no objection to this application. 4 in favour 1 abstention. Carried.
d)22/00312/SUB Church Farm And Land Church Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent. Submission of Details in Relation to Condition 16 (Surface Water Drainage Verification Report) of 14/504140/HYBRID) Cllr M Ridger proposed and Cllr C Williams seconded that The Town Council objects to the approval of this on the following grounds

1.    Kent County Council is the lead local flood authority and as per the comment from the Environment Agency it is for them to approve and or verify the design and installation of the surface water drainage. It is also required by statute to be approved by the Upper Medway Internal Drainage Board as both the East and West Rhoden water courses are within their area of operation. Proximity to the Railway Line should also require a consultation with Network Rail Asset protection in case of risk to the line. Pending comments from both these bodies the Council maintain their objection and also make the following comments on the report as drafted:

2.    Attenuation pond 1- report states it has been designed as a normally dry pond that will accommodate excess ion the event of storm events. It has been full since early January despite the driest autumn and winter that we have had for some years. The photograph was clearly taken in the summer when the pond was still under construction.  As previously stated the Town Council is concerned therefore that in the event of a storm event the pond will breach in the direction of the housing ( clearly show in figure 3) and cause residential properties to be flooded.

3.    Attenuation basin 2 – report states it has been designed as a normally dry pond that will accommodate excess ion the event of storm events. It has been full since early January despite the driest autumn and winter that we have had for some years. The photograph was clearly taken in the summer when the pond was still under construction.

4.    Alleviation basins 1 and 2 are to discharge to the West and East Rhoden (not Roden as in the report) Nowhere in the report is the permission from the Upper Medway Internal Drainage Board for permission to discharge into their water courses as per their statutory regulations.

5.    Figure 8 shows the near proximity of Flood alleviation basin 1 to the railway line. The Town Council is concerned that matters raised by Network Rail Asset protection regarding this proximity have not been addressed and that the railway line is at risk in the case of a breach.



e) 22/00172/FULL 11 The Violets Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6BH. Dormer roof extension to the principal elevation and new open porch roof to principal entrance. Proposals also include relocation of first floor rear elevation windows due to proposed changes to internal layout on first floor and loft floor Cllr C Williams proposed and Cllr M Ridger seconded that the Council have no objection to this application. Unanimous.




The Chairman had nothing to report.



PE98   Highways Improvement Plan

Members discussed the results of the resident survey and how they fed into the feasible options for             requests to be made to KCC. Cllr Ridger explained that although the Warrington Road proposal had             come out second overal in the preferences that was because the requests for addressing speed at             two locations had been combined into one section in the options results. Members were advised             that there was no guarantee that KCC would take forward any of the suggestions and that the Town             Council might be asked to contribute to costs if a scheme went forward.  Cllr M Ridger proposed             and Cllr C Williams seconded that the form should be completed by the Deputy Clerk  in                          accordance with the preferences outlined by the working party. It would then be checked by Cllr             Ridger for accuracy and submitted to KCC by the office. Unanimous.



The Chairman asked the Deputy Clerk to update members. Stage 1 of the hearings are complete and parties are waiting for the Inspector to determine whether the plan is fit to progress to Stage 2 of the hearings.This decision is expected imminently as they deadline for representations to Stage 2 is the 15th of March. If the Plan progresses to Stage 2 the consultant employed by the Town Council will prepare and deliver a hearings statement for the next stage and attend the hearings to represent the interests of the Town Council. The Consultants Stage 1 representations have been shared with members.







Application Address and details of proposals TWBC    decision Town Council Comments
21/03965/FULL Proposed vehicular access onto Pearson’s Green Road; modification of existing pedestrian way (part retrospective) | 2 Pearsons Green Cottages Pearsons Green Road Brenchley Tonbridge Kent, TN12 7DE permitted Object on the grounds that the driveway as installed is resulting in surface water flooding of the adjacent property
21/04024/LBC Listed Building Consent: Replace seven double-glazed windows with seven new 24mm double-glazed windows and new frames; replace existing ‘stable type’ door and frame to the rear of the property | Hawthorns Pearsons Green Road Brenchley Tonbridge TN12 7DH Application withdrawn  
21/04081/TPO TREES: LONDON PLANE (T1) – fell and re-plant with standard Prunus pandora; LONDON PLANE (T2) – fell and re-plant with standard Prunus pandora | 17 Eldon Way Paddock Wood Tonbridge TN12 6BE Refused Object to the removal of the mature trees and their replacement with ornamental varieties and suggest that the trees should be pollarded as has evidently been done before and repairs should be made to the surrounding hard landscaping that facilitates rainwater getting down to the tree roots
21/04021/FULL Ground floor rear infill extension, first floor rear extension, loft conversion with two front dormers and one rear dormer; Internal remodel to suit the proposed changes. | Stace House Maidstone Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6EA Permitted object on the grounds that: The proposal will result in a 3 storey building, overly dominant on the surround dwellings which will also be overlooked. The area is already subject to significant problems with surface water flooding which has been exacerbated by recent infill developments, hard landscaping and property extensions in the immediate area
21/03297/FULL Conversion of three existing outbuildings to dwellings with associated amenity space, parking and biodiversity enhancements | Fairfield Old Hay Brenchley Tonbridge Kent TN12 7DG permitted object on the following grounds The location is unsustainable as future residents will be dependent upon the use of the private car due to the rural location. The area is subject to surface water flooding. The ecology report appears inaccurate as it mentions the presence of numbers of bats but has not identified roosting areas so cannot demonstrate that these are not in the buildings earmarked for redevelopment.
21/03096/SUB Submission of Details in relation to Condition 15 (Surface Water Management Plan) of 14/504140/HYBRID. | Church Farm And Land Church Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent permitted Three substantial objections including specific critique of SUDS scheme.
21/02666/OUT Outline (All Matters Reserved) – Demolition of detached garage; erection of 1no. dwelling; new access track and parking; landscaping | 66 Church Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6HF permitted object on the grounds that It is an overintensive development of the site The access on the bend is hazardous There is no access to the bungalow or refuse vehicles or emergency services
21/02815/OUT Outline (Access not reserved) – Erection of 5 no dwelling houses comprising 2 no three-bedroom units and 3 no two-bedroom units, including access | Land Adjacent To Elm Tree Mile Oak Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent refused object on the following grounds The development is outside the limits to built development and adversely affects the rural landscape and causes harm to the character of the surrounding countryside. The location is unsustainable with no footway or street lighting along the route to Paddock Wood on a fast road with national speed limit applying. Residents would therefore be dependent on the private car to access local services. The form of development proposed is suburban in character and conflicts with the rural character of other properties in this area. The egress opposite the junction of Pearsons green road and adjacent to Church Road is dangerous due to poor visibility and speed of vehicles using Queen Street. The area is subject to frequent surface water flooding including in residential properties in nearby Catts Place. A FRA should therefore be requested and SUDS should be required as a condition of any permission if granted
21/03681/FULL Development of the site to provide 16 residential units, associated parking, landscaping and play space | Land And Open Space Goldings Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent Refused object on the following grounds: The egress onto Badsell road has poor visibility and is therefore a hazard both to people leaving the development and vehicles travelling along Badsell Road The application and the comments from the parking officer acknowledge that there is insufficient parking provided for the number of dwellings. In addition to this the proposal will result in the loss of an area of open grass space that is currently used as parking by residents of the flats in the Goldings. The parking officer acknowledges that the area of the Goldings and Ringden Avenue already has insufficient parking for residents and this has been exacerbated by the loss of garage areas which have been given over to further development. The Council agrees with this assessment. This area already suffers from regular foul drainage overflows in houses and the street and it is not clear how the outflows from such a sizeable development can be accommodated . No modelling has been provided by Southern Water to indicate that this can be added to the system at the same point as the large development at Mascalls Farm without increasing the number of overflows. Paddock Wood is an area of critical drainage and as such the building over of green space and removal of mature trees at this location is not acceptable. Loss of amenity space and play space for children


These were noted.



The next meeting will take place at 7.00 pm on Monday 21st of March ,2022

in the Winter Hall, St Andrews Church, Maidstone Road.


Meeting closed 9.10 pm






Paddock Wood Town Council