
Planning Minutes – 5th July 2021

Minutes Uploaded on July 14, 2021



The Podmore Building, St Andrews Field, St Andrews Road

Paddock Wood, Kent, TN12 6HT

Telephone:  01892 837373

MINUTES of the Planning and Environment Committee meeting held on Monday 5th July2021 at 7.45 pm



PRESENT:                    Cllr C Williams, in the chair

D Sargison,  Cllr M Ridger,


2 residents

IN ATTENDANCE:         Mrs C Reilly Deputy Clerk


APOLOGIES     Cllr R Moon     






To APPROVE the minutes of the meeting held on 21st of June,2021.

                        These were not available for signing and would go on the agenda for the next meeting.



Application Address and proposal Comments
a) 21/01908/FULL 2 Pearsons Green Cottages Pearsons Green Road Brenchley Tonbridge Kent TN12 7DE. Small single storey rear extension, infill side flank extension with upper first floor minor m3 enlargement with Wealdon type weatherboarding to upper levels and render lower finishes Cllr C Williams proposed and Cllr M Ridger seconded that the Council have no objection to the application provided provision is made for disposal of any additional surface water run off. Unanimous.
b) 21/01609/SUB Mascalls Court Farm Mascalls Court Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge TN12 6NB. Submission of details in relation to Condition 11 (Surface water drainage); Condition 15 (Foul Drainage); Condition 16 (Sewers); Condition 17 (Ground floor levels); Condition 22 (External Materials) for phases 2 and 3 of 14/506766/HYBRID. Cllr M Ridger proposed and Cllr C Williams seconded that the Council object to the discharge of these conditions on the following grounds:

·         They support KCC’s stated reservations regarding insufficient detail provided as regards the details of surface and foul water drainage solutions and finished floor levels.

·         The foul drainage system as proposed is NOT the round town new ring main sewer referred to as this has not been with drawn as a solution by Southern Water. It simply attaches to the existing overloaded and overflowing sewage network and results in no betterment for any of the existing capacity issues.

·         The Council understand that any improvements to the Waste Water Pumping Station will not be completed in time to assist with this additional connection.

·         Southern Water have not fulfilled the undertaking they gave to the local MP , Greg Clark, to report back on what CCTV survey work has been done on the existing system to confirm date used in their modelling.

·         The surface water drainage levels do not make sense. They appear to indicate a fall in levels in the wrong direction to achieve drainage.

c) 21/00665/FULL Land Rear Of 7 – 9 Station Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent. Redevelopment of land for a mixed-use development incorporating up to 14no. residential apartments (Use Class C3), office use (Use Class E), and flexible uses including office/community use (Use Classes E/F1.2/F.2) with associated access and parking Cllr C Williams proposed and Cllr D Sargison seconded that the Council object to the application on the following grounds

·         It is an over intensive development of the site with the overall building height being even higher than the Churchill development adjacent.

·         There is no agreed access to the high street (Commercial Road ) from the ‘public area’ and therefore no actual community open space as referred to.

·         The S106 contribution is minimal and insufficient to mitigate for the impact of the development and for the number of dwellings proposed which also fail to include any affordable housing.

·         Loss of parking plus insufficient parking for the new dwellings.

·         Details of drainage proposals are inadequate for an area subject to surface water flooding.

·         It is in direct opposition to the aspirations for the town centre of both the Draft Local Plan and the Paddock Wood Neighbourhood plan draft policies allowing no scope for a town centre redevelopment thus placing the commercial viability of the town centre at risk.

·         The Council also confirms that the applicants have been invited to attend both PWTC meetings and Neighbourhood Plan meetings to discuss the proposals but have declined to do so.



d) 21/01777/FULL 20 Kiln Way Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6LF. Demolish an existing conservatory and replace with a dining room extension Cllr C Williams proposed and Cllr D Sargison  seconded that the Council have no objection to the application. Unanimous.
e) 21/01522/FULL Paddock Wood Distribution Centre Transfesa Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge TN12 6UU. Re-cladding of the existing industrial/warehouse units Cllr Cllr D Sargison proposed and Cllr M Ridger seconded that the Council have no objection to the application subject to proper disposal of old cladding. Unanimous.
f) 21/01997/FULL 27 The Greenways Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6LS. Demolition of garage; Proposed two storey side extension and front first floor dormer extension Cllr C Williams proposed and Cllr M Ridger seconded that  the Council object to the application on the grounds that :

·         It’s bulk and the suggested black weather boarding makes it overly dominant and obtrusive on the street scene.

·         There are no proposals submitted to deal with additional surface water runoff which is already an issue on the adjacent Badsell Road



g)21/02129/EIASCO Land South And South East Mascalls Court Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent . EIA Scoping Opinion – Development of approximately 1,200 dwellings and related facilities Cllr  C Williams proposed and Cllr M Ridger seconded that the Council object to the premature submission of this EIA Scoping report for a proposed development on the grounds that

·         The application is premature in that the sites are allocated as part of the TWBC PSDLP. As such, an application ahead of this Local Plan and it’s policies being in place together with it’s Supplementary Policies, will prejudice the Master Planning process that is supposed to deliver the strategic housing allocations in Paddock Wood /Capel in a holistic manner to ensure good design and provision of infrastructure.

·         In addition to this the master planning process  for all the allocations is designed to provide for the sharing of the burden of costs associated with flood mitigation, community facilities, road improvements and other essential infrastructure. By beginning the process of a premature application the applicants are clearly trying to avoid contributing to these costs. This will prejudice the sustainability of all the developments with the 1500 units making up just under 40% of the entire allocation.

·          Large areas of both sites are within flood zone 2 and 3 and no modelling has been done on the cumulative effects upon drainage infrastructure of the three sites currently under construction and this should be provided to inform the scope of any development on these additional sites.

·         No modelling has been done on the cumulative effects upon local roads infrastructure of the three sites currently under construction and this should be provided to inform the scope of any development on these additional sites.

·         The commencement of development on these sites in addition to the 3 under construction would raise strategic issues of development management in a town where the road system is already over burdened and where residents will be adversely impacted with noise, pollution and disruption over a period of several years throughout the town and the surrounding area.


h)21/02092/FULL 47 Le Temple Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6HY. Single storey rear extension. Cllr M Ridger proposed and Cllr C Williams seconded that the Council have no objection to this application. Uanimous.

Cllr M Ridger proposed and Cllr C Williams seconded that the Borough Councilors should be asked to ‘call in’

applications c,f, and g for consideration at the full TWBC Planning committee. Unanimous.




Application Address and details of proposals TWBC    decision Town Council Comments
21/00378/FULL 64 Commercial Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6DP. Change of use from medical chamber (chiropractors clinic) to HMO for six people


Permitted object to the application on the grounds that: There is insufficient parking for occupants. Change of use to HMO is inappropriate in an area with no student population.
21/00684/FULL 1 John Brunt Court Old Kent Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6ET. Extend garden by using 1 of the 2 parking spaces immediately behind the garden; Change of use of land to the rear of the property for the provision of parking Permitted no objection subject to none of the hedges to be removed are touched until the end of the bird nesting season
21/01317/FULL New porch to the front of the dwelling | 25 Allington Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6AP permitted No objection
21/01337/FULL Single storey side extension | 3 Bedford Cottages Maidstone Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6DD permitted No objection
21/01458/FULL Convert and extend existing garage; alterations to ground floor layout | 2 Forest Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6JU permitted No objection
21/00915/FULL Removal of existing conservatory; erection of double and single storey rear extension; internal alterations; garage conversion and porch extension with associated works; changes to fenestration | 68 Church Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6HF permitted no objection to this application provided measures are in place to deal with surface water from the additional roof area
21/01308/FULL Wrap around single storey extension | 2 Laxton Gardens Paddock Wood Tonbridge TN12 6BB permitted As submitted by a member of the Town Council, the Council will therefore not make any comment on the proposal
21/00996/FULL Two storey side and rear extension and single storey rear extension | 1 Woodlands Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6AR permitted object to the application on the grounds that The extension is right up to the boundary There is no side access It is out of keeping with the street scene There is no plan for management of the additional surface water run of
21/01228/FULL Demolition of existing carport and garage; erection of new 1 bedroom bungalow and alterations to fenestration of existing bungalow | 87 Warrington Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent TN12 6HR


Permitted Object . Loss of parking space . Warrington Road is characterised by low density bungalows and chalet bungalows and this infill development is therefore out of keeping with the distinctive established street scene. Proposal will result in substantive loss of light for existing bungalow
21/00760/FULL Proposed 7 no. 2.5 storey three bedroom five person dwellings; parking; landscaping | Land And Open Space Goldings Paddock Wood Tonbridge Kent Permitted Extensive objection


These were noted



  1. Southern Water matters, correspondence with Greg Clark MP

The agreed Town Council response to the 2 alternatives for accommodating sewage flows from Mascalls Farm was submitted but no response has been received. Deputy Clerk to follow up and also to brief Greg Clerk and his office.

  1. Planning enforcement , revision of office involvement role.

The Deputy Clerk advised that the role that had developed over the past few years where the office was assuming an increasing role in trying to ensure that planning enforcement was carried out by TWBC by informing them of breaches of conditions and or planning permission details as noticed by the Town Council officers  and members and advised by residents was no longer sustainable within the current staff capacity. In future all such matters would be referred directly to the Borough Councillors for them to follow up with the appropriate officers and departments at TWBC. This decision had been reached in agreement with the Clerk.


PE18 KCC Consultation re proposals for traffic changes in Commercial Road

Members were reminded to pass any comments on this to the office to be submitted as the Town Council’s response.



The next meeting will take place at 7.15 pm on Monday 19th July at the Day

Centre, Commercial Road.





Paddock Wood Town Council