
Personnel Minutes – 31st October 2022

Minutes Uploaded on January 31, 2023



The Podmore Building, St Andrews Field, St Andrew’s Road,

Paddock Wood, Kent, TN12 6HT

Telephone:  01892 837373


MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE PERSONNEL COMMITTEE TO BE held on Monday 31st October 2022 at The Day Centre, Commercial Road at 7 pm



PRESENT:                Cllr R Turk, in the Chair

Cllrs M Flashman, S. Hamilton, R. Moon, C. Williams


IN ATTENDANCE:   Mrs N Reay, Town Clerk



                        There were no declarations of interest.



                        The minutes of the meeting held on the 27th June 2022 were APPROVED.



                        The Estates committee has approved the job description for the new member of staff.

A discussion was had as to whether there was sufficient funding available at present.  The clerk advised that money had been allowed for in the Estates Budget for an additional member of staff to be employed in this financial year.  The job description had been drawn up by the Estates Manager agreed by the Estates Committee.  A salary of £22,000 was allowed for in the budget.

Cllr Hamilton proposed, Cllr Flashman seconded:

That the additional member of staff for the Estates Team should be appointed.

                        CARRIED 3 in favour, 2 abstentions

                         It was agreed that the adverts should be placed both locally and on a national job website, for three weeks.  Interviews would be conducted by Cllr Turk and the Estates Manager with the Clerk in attendance.



                        The Council passed the following resolution at its meeting on the 17th October 2022

Authority is given to the Personnel Committee, in consultation with the directors of the management company, to appoint a part time Manager. This to be funded using existing estates staffing budgets.

                         A copy of a draft job description had been drawn up by the directors of  the management company and was considered by members.

A discussion was had as to how the appointment would work.  In the first instance the manager would be employed by the Town Council as it had the HR structure to employ someone and would be funding the employee.  The Council would then donate the time to the Community Centre. The job would initially be for 6 months.  This would allow for a review of the position to take place and the job description adjusted as necessary.  Concerns were expressed that there would not be a clear delineation between the town council and the Community Centre. Advice would be sought from Croner to ensure the job was set up correctly.  A salary of £30,000 pa pro rata would be offered.

Cllr Williams proposed, Cllr Flashman seconded:

That the job should be advertised with the following amendment

                        “Hours to be agreed”

CARRIED 3 in favour, 2 abstained (Cllrs Hamilton & Moon)

It was agreed that the adverts should be placed both locally and on a national job website, for three weeks.


PER7             STAFF SALARIES 2022/23

                        The SLCC has not yet announced increases to the salary scales for this financial year.  The National Joint Council is currently balloting its members as to whether to accept the offer.  It is hoped that a decision will be made in November.  The SLCC cannot adjust its scales until the NJC agrees the increases.

Staff are paid according to the approved scales.

The GMA has recommended a 3% pay increase for all ground staff. See attached report.

The Town Council allocated 3% for budgetary purposes in the 2022/23 budget.

Members discussed whether to make an interim payment until the final award was made.

Cllr Flashman proposed, Cllr Hamilton seconded:

That the council should wait for the final announcement on the pay awards for all staff.

                        CARRIED unanimously



The Financial Introduction to Local Council Administration (FILCA) is a Level 2, online sector specific learning tool to support all new Responsible Financial Officers (RFO’s) in England and Wales (or officers who have a financial element to their job role). The aim of the course is to introduce council finance.

The Cost of the course is £120.

Cllr Hamilton proposed, Cllr Flashman seconded:

That the course be APPROVED.

CARRIED unanimously



To be agreed



Meeting closed at 8 pm.


Paddock Wood Town Council