The Podmore Building, St Andrews Field, St Andrews Road
Paddock Wood, Kent, TN12 6HT
Telephone: 01892 837373
PRESENT: Cllr M Flashman, in the Chair
Cllr R. Atkins, (TWBC) D. Boyle,
D Kent, R. Moon, M Ridger, D. Sargison, R Turk, C. Williams
IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs N Reay, Town Clerk
8 residents
APOLOGY: Cllrs E Thomas, S. Hamilton, (KCC & TWBC)
The Chairman responded to the following questions which had been submitted prior to the meeting. (response is in italics)
Although I asked this question at the annual town meeting, this was not asked at an official town council meeting.
I ask you as chairman of council to ask members of the council, even though the council legally do not have to ask the residents, if the councillors would support an opportunity for the residents of Paddock Wood to have their say on if they would like the town council to take out a £1.9 m loan for 50 years?
Please ignore how this could be done the question is if they would support it.
If as the chair you say no, Why?
Please Ignore the fact as I mention early that you legally don’t have to.
As stated at the Annual Town Meeting the Town Council has already passed a resolution to seek permission to take out a loan from the Public Works Loan Board. As Chairman, I am happy that the Council is acting within the law and that the application is legally compliant. Unless I receive legal advice to the contrary, I will not be asking Councillors to reconsider their decision.
I see the community centre board minutes that the council are looking revoked the bye laws on the memorial field obviously to make way for the community centre.
The council says it is always open and transparent before the council asked to revoke the bylaws will it asks its residents of Paddock Wood if they would like them revoked?
And if not why not?
The Town Council has not yet discussed the revoking of any of the byelaws which relate to the Memorial Field. If a decision is made to revoke some or all the byelaws, then the process will include a legal 28-day public consultation.
With reference to the TWBC Highways and Transport response of 27 April 2021 from Jeremy Galilee, Senior Development Planner regarding the development of a new community centre on Paddock Wood Memorial Ground (TW/20/03848/FULL) and in view of the significant additional costs this is likely to incur – if indeed all their requirements can be met – what is the absolute limit to the total cost of the development which the Town Council deem acceptable, and given that what support they already have is based on redundant figures, how and when will they communicate this total cost with Paddock Wood residents to gain assurance that the cost/benefit is acceptable?
The town council continues to work with their appointed contractor Baxall who are delivering a pre-construction services agreement contract to deliver the scheme within the cost parameters agreed by the council. These financial parameters are set out in the business case that has been approved by the council and can be viewed on the Town Council website. The town council continues to communicate with all its residents on a regular basis with respect to progress on the facility, including the anticipated costs which remain within the previously agreed envelope. However, the parish has also had success in achieving grant funding of over £94 000 towards the cost of the facility with possibly more to come, which will further mitigate the pre-approved costs that residents are aware of and this good news will be communicated to them shortly. Otherwise, the facility continues to deliver all the specifications previously approved by the council and which this town so badly needs.
When do you propose to re-open the Tennis Courts at the Memorial Playing Field?
As you are aware the three existing tennis courts are not compliant with LTA standards as they have insufficient space around them. They are also in need of extensive refurbishment which is why they had to be closed. The Town Council has agreed that the tennis courts can be re-orientated and two new LTA compliant tennis courts be built. Subject to the Council agreeing that these works can be part of the Baxall construction project the new tennis courts could be completed in 2022.
BC Atkins agreed to find out who the Clerk could contact at TWBC with regards to the frequency of Parking Enforcement officers in Paddock Wood.
The Chairman asked for the council’s thanks to be passed onto BC Bailey for arranging for the “No Idling” signs to be given to the Town Council which were being installed in the Council’s Car parks and at Foal Hurst Wood Car Park.
The Clerk reported that the CC Hamilton would be contacting Cllr Boyle regarding his previous question about schools.
There were no declarations of interest.
The following nomination had been received:
Cllr M Flashman – proposed by Cllr C Williams, seconded by Cllr Sargison.
Councillor Flashman was re-elected as Chairman of the Council.
8 in favour, 1 against.
The Chairman and the Clerk signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office electronically.
The following nomination has been received:
Cllr C Williams – proposed by Cllr M Flashman, seconded by Cllr Turk.
Cllr Williams was re-elected as vice Chairman of the Council.
(a) The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 15th March 2021 were APPROVED.
(b) The minutes of the Annual Town Meeting held on Wednesday 7th April 2021 were NOTED.
(c) The minutes of the PPP Committee Meeting held on Monday 26th April 2021 were NOTED.
There were no matters arising.
Cllr Flashman proposed, Cllr Williams seconded:
That the Committee membership list should be APPROVED
CARRIED 8 in favour, 1 against
The council’s Policy, Procedures and Protocol Committee reviewed the following documents and have put them forward for APPROVAL by the Council:
(a) Standing Orders
(b) Terms of Reference
(c) Financial Regulations
(e) Health and Safety Policy
(f) Data Protection Policy
(g) Complaints procedure
(h) Freedom of Information Document retention policy and publication scheme.
Cllr Flashman proposed, Cllr Atkins seconded:
That the above policies should be APPROVED.
CARRIED unanimously.
The PPP Committee reviewed the following documents at its meeting and has put them forward for APPROVAL by the Council.
(a) Disciplinary Procedure
(b) Equal Opportunities Policy
(c) Grievance Procedure
(d) Bullying and Harassment Policy
(e) Sickness and Absence Policy
(f) Retirement Policy
Cllr Flashman proposed, Cllr Williams seconded
That the above policies should be APPROVED
CARRIED unanimously.
(Copies of all the above policies are on the website)
C9 MEETING DATES 2021/2022
Members discussed whether meeting should remain at 7.30, as they had been whilst being held online, or revert to 7.45 pm.
It was agreed that they should revert to 7.45 pm, but to be reviewed in 3 months’ time when there would hopefully be a full complement of members.
The following amendments to the schedule were agreed:
Finance – Wednesday 23rd June
PPP – 6.30
Personnel – 7 pm
5-year plan meeting 7.30 pm
To be held on Monday 28th June 2021
Cllr Flashman proposed, Cllr Williams seconded:
The meeting schedule with the above amendments should be APPROVED.
CARRIED unanimously.
(a) The receipts list – voucher nos: 193 – 215 was NOTED.
(b) Cllr Flashman proposed, Cllr Williams seconded:
The payments list voucher nos: 832 – 970 be APPROVED.
CARRIED unanimously.
(c) Audit – the internal auditor will attend the office on 13th May 2021. PKF Littlejohn have advised that the Annual Return should be received by the 30th June 2021. The deadline will not be extended this year. The Accounts and Annual Return will be presented to the Council at the meeting on the 21st June 2021.
(d) Lock Down Grants – the town council has received a total of £17,051 in Government Lockdown Grants for the Day Centre and Green Lane Pavilion.
- a) Cllr Moon attended a recent KALC conference on Delivering the Green Agenda.
A copy of the presentation had been forwarded to members. The key points were:
- Government looking to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
- TWBC is looking to achieve that by 2030.
- Town Council needs to carry out an audit of its carbon footprint.
- Need to budget for work to be carried out in future.
- b) Cllr Flashman had attended training on Communications Strategy & Press & Media, and reported as follows:
Communication Strategy course. This was an excellent KALC course, and it was recommended that the Council look further into seeking external support to develop a communication strategy in the future. Money invested now will pay dividends for the future.
A good communication strategy will amongst other things
- actively support the council in achieving its aims and objectives.
- Sets out a plan to communicate and engage with the community
- Impacts how the Council is seen and heard
The Press and Media course was not felt to be as useful.
Following the resignations of Cllrs Hills (East Ward) and Barrett (West Ward) requests were received from 10 electors for an election to be held. Due to Covid 19 restrictions the elections have been delayed until 6th May 2021.
Nominations have now been declared and there are two candidates for the West Ward and an election will therefore take place.
No candidates were nominated for the East Ward.
A new election will be held within 35 days of Thursday 6 May 2021.
- a) The TWBC planning officer has advised that a further consultation on the additional information received, will need to take place.
- b) The working party is continuing to meet to discuss and agree the internal colours & layouts.
- c) Following on from the distribution of the newsletter in November the town council has received a request from a local resident – Mr Paul Mcveagh to join the working party.
Cllr Williams proposed, Cllr Moon seconded:
That Mr Mcveagh should be appointed to the Community Centre working party.
CARRIED 8 in favour, 1 against
- d) A copy of the minutes of the 3rd March 2021 are attached for members information. The sale of the police houses was raised, and it was felt by some that this had been a missed opportunity. It was pointed out that they were not available at the time the project commenced.
The Clerk was asked to forward to members information on the revocation of byelaws.
A first draft of the Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 14 document has been produced which has identified the areas of the policy that still need to be developed. The group alongside their consultants have now started to work on these. Obviously, they include the master planning work and information still outstanding from TWBC. Comments on potential location of e-charging units are welcome. Confidentiality insisted on by TWBC makes it difficult to discuss certain issues.
At the meeting held on the 15th March 2021 it was agreed that the council would not meet again (apart from one P & E meeting,) until the 21st June, when all covid 19 restrictions should be lifted.
In March 2020 when the first lock down occurred prior to the start of virtual meetings the Town Council passed the following resolution:
To extend the delegation of Council’s “day to day” decisions to the Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman/Vice Chairman during any period of restricted activity declared by the Government in respect of the Covid-19 virus. Such delegation to enable the Council to fulfil its responsibilities to its residents.
Members are asked to approve the above resolution until the 21st June 2021, with the following amendment:
“that the Deputy Clerk and Councillor Williams should respond to planning applications which cannot be deferred until the 21st June 2021.”
Cllr Flashman proposed, Cllr Kent seconded:
That the above proposal with the amendment should be approved.
CARRIED unanimously.
A report would be made to members at the meeting due to be held on the 21st June 2021.
Cllr Flashman proposed, Cllr Boyle seconded:
That the Five-year plan should be adopted.
CARRIED unanimously.
(a) Chairman’s meeting.
The last meeting took place on 16th March 2021 Items discussed included:
- Electoral review of TWBC. Changes expected to be in place for 2024 elections.
- Followed by Community Governance review which may affect number of Parish Councillors. Population change will be considered so likely to affect Paddock Wood.
- CAV still suspended and restart still under review.
- Declarations of Pecuniary Interests must be sent by email directly to the monitoring office. Ensure latest form being used. Sign, scan and send.
- Can now subscribe to a weekly Email newsletter from TWBC which is personalised depending on your location.
(b) Paddock Wood Business Association – the chairman had been unable to attend the last meeting, but the Association was working on a Shop Local Campaign. They had one banner left and members agreed it could be installed on the fence on the Memorial Field.
(c) Bereko Committee – the AGM had been held
(d) KALC – The Covid 19 meetings had decreased to monthly
(e) Medway Valley Line – no meeting
(f) Hop Pickers Line – no meeting
(g) Youth Council – no meeting
(h) Putlands Leisure Centre Liaison meeting – no meeting
(i) Liaison Meeting with developers – no meeting
(j) Strategic sites meeting –
Still taking place monthly. Confidential minutes are sent to Councillors by the Clerk once available. The precis from TWBC will be published on the website.
The master planning is not part of the evidence base for the local plan as it is the next stage. Ie a Strategic Planning Document
The next meeting will be held on Monday 21st June 2021.
Cllr Flashman proposed, Cllr Boyle seconded:
That under section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (admission to meetings) Act 1960 the following information is exempt from the press and public.
CARRIED unanimously.
Cllr Thomas’s resignation had been received.
Members noted that the council had allocated £10,000 in its budget for planning support.
Cllr Williams proposed, Cllr Kent seconded:
That the Council should appoint Troy Planning to submit the Council’s response for the Local Plan. Stage 1 of their proposal
CARRIED unanimously.
Cllr Williams proposed, Cllr Turk seconded:
That the Council should use its reserve funds for stages 2 & 3, which would entail representing the Town Council at the Planning Enquiry.
CARRIED unanimously.
As the Council had only allocated £10,000 in its budget
Cllr Flashman proposed, Cllr Moon seconded
That the council should rescind the first motion.
CARRIED unanimously.
Cllr Williams proposed, Cllr Kent seconded:
That the Council should appoint Troy Planning to submit the Council’s response for the Local Plan. Stage 1 of their proposal and increase the budget to £10,562.
CARRIED unanimously.
The meeting closed at 9.30 pm.