
Full Council Minutes – 26th September 2022

Minutes Uploaded on October 12, 2022


The Podmore Building, St Andrews Field, St Andrews Road

Paddock Wood, Kent, TN12 6HT

Telephone:  01892 837373

MINUTES OF A MEETING OF PADDOCK WOOD TOWN COUNCIL HELD ON Monday 26th September 2022 at 7.45 pm in The Day Centre, Commercial Road, Paddock Wood



PRESENT:                Cllr M Flashman, in the Chair

Cllrs H Atkins, R. Atkins, (TWBC) T. Bisdee, A. Mackie, R Moon, (TWBC) M Ridger, C. Williams, S. Hamilton (KCC), D Sargison


IN ATTENDANCE:   Borough Cllr M Bailey, Mrs C Reilly Deputy Clerk, Mrs T. Maxwell RFO, Mr J White Community Centre project officer.


APOLOGIES:            Cllr R Turk, Mrs N Reay, Town Clerk

Borough Cllr S. Wakeman


There were no residents present.


A minute silence was held in memory of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.


The Chairman confirmed that a letter of Condolence has been sent on behalf of Paddock Wood Town Council, to His Majesty King Charles III.


The order of the agenda was altered as there were no members of the public present to bring forward item C67 and C 68 on the agenda. Borough Councillor Bailey was asked to leave the meeting before item C67 b) and C 68 which were deemed confidential under section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (admission to meetings) Act 1960 the item being exempt from the press and public due to legal privilege & commercial confidentiality.  Cllr Bailey left the meeting at that point.



There were no questions submitted for the Borough and County Councillors.

Borough Cllr Matt Bailey advised that he had not had a reply from Cllr Ben Chapelard regarding the two additional EV Chargers in the East Car Park, Commercial Road but had a notification from a TWBC officer that both sockets in the new dual charger would be for public use.

The Chairman thanked Cllr Bailey on behalf of the Council for his assistance in challenging the changes to the car park charges in Paddock Wood.



There were no declarations of interest.



            Copies of draft minutes can be found on the Town Council website.

(a)       To APPROVE the minutes from the meeting held on 15th August 2022. These were approved and signed by the Chairman.

(b)       To NOTE the minutes from the Planning & Environment Committee meeting held on 15th August 2022 & 5th September 2022. These were noted.

(c)        To NOTE the minutes from the Governance Committee held on 22nd August 2022. These were noted.



  1. C52 (d) van update – the order for the new e-van was placed, however the lease company would not accept the Town Council as it is not a registered company.

The broker has identified a lease company which will accept the Town Council but now have to source an alternative van.

Members were advised that the status of a Town Council had been a problem before, there was a shortage of available electric vans and that the matter should be discussed further at the next Estates Committee meeting.



Members considered Council’s response as discussed at a meeting on the 15th September 2022. The Chairman ran through a summary of the draft response and explained that the Boundary Commission had no record of the previous submission despite the office having received a confirmation of receipt email. The Chairman also provided members with a draft letter from the Parish Chairman’s group requesting a reconsideration of the decision to continue to elect TWBC Councillor by thirds. Members were asked if they wished to have PWTC added to the signatories of this.

Cllr M Flashman proposed and Cllr M Ridger seconded:

 That the response as drafted should be submitted to the Boundary Commission prior to the deadline along with the original submission and that PWTC should be added to the signatories of the letter to TWBC regarding elections.

Carried – 8 in favour 1 abstention.



The Regulation 16 consultation started on the 12th September 2022.  Details have been circulated via social media, Town Council notice boards and leaflets in the local shops. The Chairman advised that 258 visits to the site had been logged but so far there were no comments. TWBC has been asked to increase the level of publicity for the consultation on their website and social media. The requirement to register and log in to comment has been removed at the request of the Town Council.



The results of the car parking consultation have been published and were discussed by the TWBC Finance & Governance Advisory Board on the 21st September 2022 and again at the subsequent Cabinet meeting. The decision has been made to maintain the free parking period for the Paddock Wood and Southborough car parks whilst TWBC keep other sources of funding to cover the loss of potential revenue under review. The Chairman advised that Cllr Matt Bailey had spoken at both meetings in support of the position of the PW Business Association and the Town Council.


C64     FINANCE     

  1. To APPROVE the Payment voucher nos: 428 – 582 Cllr M Flashman proposed, and Cllr H Atkins seconded that these be approved. Unanimous.
  2. To NOTE the receipt Voucher Nos: 128 – 162- These were noted
  3. To consider the attached grant request from PW Lights Up

(There is currently £2500 in the grant fund for 2022/23). Cllr H Atkins proposed, and Cllr S Hamilton seconded that this request for £500 should be granted. Unanimous

  1. Funding for parking consultation – Cllr Bailey has asked if the Town Council would consider contributing to the cost of the car parking consultation leaflets which he funded and circulated. The total cost was £225.  PWBA have also been asked to contribute. Cllr H Atkins proposed and Cllr M Flashman seconded that Cllr Bailey should be given £110 towards these expenses. 7 in favour 2 abstentions. Carried.



(a)       Terms of Reference – Governance Committee, to approve the updated ToR.

To approve the following documents. Cllr M Flashman proposed and Cllr C Williams seconded that these should be approved. Unanimous.

(b)       Climate Change and Emergency Working Group:  Cllr H Atkins proposed and Cllr T Bisdee seconded that these should be approved. Unanimous.

(c)        Metal Detecting Policy:  Cllr R Moon proposed and Cllr H Atkins seconded with the amendment that in 2.3 where it says ‘the Council’ it should say ‘the Estates Committee’ this should be approved. Unanimous

(d)       Graffiti Policy. Cllr H Atkins proposed and Cllr R Atkins seconded that this should be approved. Unanimous.



(a)       Chairman’s meeting. The Chairman was unable to attend but the issue discussed was the boundary changes.

(b)       Paddock Wood Business Association – Nothing to report

(c)       Bereko Committee- Cllr R Moon advised that the quiz night was very successful and that the Bereko group wished to thank John Flashman and Cllr Meryl Flashman for their excellent quiz questions that ensured an enjoyable and challenging evening.

(d)       KALC – to discuss whether any motions should be submitted for consideration at the AGM due to be held on the 19th November 2022. No motions were proposed.

(e)       Medway Valley Line – Nothing to report.

(f)        Hop Pickers Line – Members from the group attended the Horsmonden nostalgia day which had a good attendance. They also took part in the Heritage event in Paddock Wood.

(g)       Youth Council – Currently promoting the Young Person of the Year award.

(h)       Putlands Leisure Centre – There is to be a liaison meeting on the12th of October which will be attended by Cllrs M Flashman and R Moon. Cllr C Williams has sent her apologies due to work commitments.

(i)         Royal British Legion- Preparations are underway for the Remembrance Sunday events. There will be a parade followed by a service at the War Memorial. There will be no service prior to the parade at St Andrews. Volunteer marshals are sought as without them the parade cannot take place. Volunteers to contact the office by email or by telephone 01892 837373.



a) Baxalls have requested an extension of time until the 9th December 2022. This    is due to supply and labour issues.  The request has been approved by the    Council’s Technical Project Manager. This was noted.

i) Funding has been approved for the following from the EVCPs Govt Funding (LEVI Pilot)

  1.  6 x 7kw chargers, this should be easy for Baxall to deliver as 4 were   already in scope and the Council was seeking to put in 6 anyway. Potential cost saving to PWTC as well.
  2. 2 x 75kw super chargers are more difficult. The current substation is too small to take their load and this needs to be resolved with UKPN as fast as possible
  3. Battery storage means that the community centre can potentially sell its excess solar power generation via a direct wire to power vehicles which means they should achieve a substantially higher price for their electricity, which would otherwise be sold to the grid.

Legal agreements need to be signed between the funders and KCC for the funding to be released.

A decision will be needed on who will manage the chargers going forward. The options are as follows:

1)         The council/managing company

2)         KCC – board’s preferred option as least risk

3)         Independent commercial company


Details of the benefits of each option can be considered at a later meeting.  The project manager advised that there are difficulties with the 2 x 75kw superchargers as they will require additional capacity at the substation. This issue is being addressed by Baxall in consultation with UKPN.  Members asked whether the 6 units are active or passive and were advised that at least 4 are active but the additional 2 units may have to be passive.


ii) The working party had visited Southborough Civic Centre to view the fit out and learn from their experiences. A fit-out list was being drawn up and members of the working party would be asked to identify suitable items, along with the costs and suppliers. This to be discussed at the working party meeting on Wednesday 28th of September


iii)        The working party have discussed the name of the centre and have suggested the following:

Jubilee Centre

Paddock Wood Community Centre

Paddock Wood Memorial Community Centre


The Town Council had previously agreed that it would approve a short list which would then be put to a public vote.

Board Members asked for the list to be submitted to the Full Council with the addition of Queen Elizabeth Community Centre.

Members discussed the following points

  • The carnival stall that was to collect additional suggestions for names could not go ahead due to councillors being unavailable to run the stall.
  • The name Jubilee might cause confusion with the Jubilee Hall in East Peckham
  • Some members felt that there had been a lack of public consultation on the name.
  • Difficulty of communicating with schools due to the school holidays.
  • Members were advised that the sign with the name of the centre required planning permission and that this could not be applied for until the name was determined.


The Chairman suspended standing orders so that Borough Cllr Bailey could speak. He advised that he had researched and found that the use of any Royal title for the naming of a building requires permission from the Royal Family and the Cabinet Office and is difficult to get. This meant that the suggestion of Queen Elizabeth Community Centre is not viable

Cllr S Hamilton proposed, and Cllr R Atkins seconded

that the public and local organisations should be reconsulted by all possible means for further suggestions for names for the centre. A shortlist of acceptable names would then be submitted to the next full Council meeting for a decision, whether to agree a name or whether to leaflet residents with a shortlist bearing in mind that Baxalls will be offsite by the end of the year and planning permission is required for the signage which they are constructing. Members were advised by the deputy clerk that budgetary and time constraints may not allow a full town leaflet drop.

Carried 5 in favour 5 abstentions.


iv) The Clerk advised that she had had a meeting with the LTA who were offering to assist with the promotion with the new tennis courts.  If the Council joined the LTA (free of   charge) then it would also have access to Club Spark the online booking programme for tennis courts.  It has been left that once the management of the site had been progressed then the clerk would get back in   touch to progress this. This was noted.

v) The location of the cricket wicket has been finalised. There is space for 6 wickets in a North South orientation.  The consultants have suggested that ball strike netting may be required by the pavilion.

vi) A copy of the recent site progress meetings has been forwarded to members. A copy of the most recent approved board meeting minutes is attached.

vii)       Facilities Management Quotes are being sought from Facilities Management Consultants.  The FM  Consultant would carry out the following work on behalf of the Managing Company. (List of 7 items)

Cllr M Flashman proposed and seconded by Cllr C Williams

 that Under section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (admission to meetings) Act 1960 the following items are exempt from the press and public due to legal privilege & commercial confidentiality.

Cllr Hamilton asked for a recorded vote. Cllrs M Flashman, R Moon, C Williams, A Mackie, D Sargison, M Ridger, and T Bisdee voted in favour and Cllrs S Hamilton and H Atkins voted against and Cllr R Atkins abstained.

Carried. 7 in favour, 2 against, 1 abstention

Borough Councillor Bailey left the meeting, there were no other members of the public present.



Minerva have asked to have a meeting with directors to agree the next steps – this took place on Tuesday 20th September.  A verbal update was given at the meeting. Next steps were discussed.


The Project Manager and RFO advised on the current financial position of the project.

Members considered the current cashflow position and discussed the three possible options as detailed in the accompanying report.

Cllr R Moon proposed, and Cllr C Williams seconded that the authority is given to the board depending upon what is viable to:

            Option 1: to seek additional local authority input as per the accompanying report ref [ C67b(ii)]  

            Option 2: to seek additional input from the contractor as per the accompanying report ref [ C67 b(ii)]

            Option 3: to seek additional external support as per the accompanying report ref [C67b(ii)]

Carried 7 in favour, (Cllrs M Flashman, C Williams, A Mackie, D Sargison, R Moon, M Ridger, and T Bisdee voted in favour) 3 against (Cllrs S Hamilton, H Atkins, and R Atkins)



The Town Council had been approached by a retail company asking if it would consider selling some if its land for a new store.

The sites referred to are:

Memorial Recreation Field

Foal Hurst Wood Car Park & Wildflower Meadow

Cllr M Flashman proposed, and Cllr A Mackie seconded that the Council advise the retail company that there is no interest in selling these areas of land to be used for a new store. Unanimous



The next meeting will take place on Monday 17th October 2022, at 7.45 pm in The Day Centre, Commercial Road.


Meeting closed at 9.55pm






Paddock Wood Town Council