
Full Council Minutes – 20th March 2023

Agendas Uploaded on April 12, 2023


The Podmore Building, St Andrews Field, St Andrews Road

Paddock Wood, Kent, TN12 6HT

Telephone:  01892 837373

MINUTES OF A MEETING OF PADDOCK WOOD TOWN COUNCIL HELD ON Monday 20th March 2023 at 7.45 pm in The Day Centre, Commercial Road, Paddock Wood



PRESENT:                Cllr M Flashman, in the Chair

Cllrs H Atkins, R. Atkins, (TWBC) D. Boyle, D. Kent, A. Mackie, R Moon, (TWBC) M Ridger, R. Turk, C. Williams


IN ATTENDANCE:   Mrs N Reay, Town Clerk

Mr C Smith, Estates Manager

Borough Cllrs M Bailey, S. Wakeman

7 resident


APOLOGIES:            Cllr T. Bisdee S. Hamilton, (KCC) D. Sargison




The following issues/questions were raised:

  • Skate Park – The skateboard park is no longer up to standard and is not adequate for current needs.

It is not inclusive, enough and improved facilities are required, particularly as there will be an increased population going forward. The youth council were also keen to see the park improved and had met with Concrete Wave to discuss possibilities.  Concrete Wave are currently working with Swanley Town Council to upgrade their skate park and were interested in working with PWTC.  The Clerk reported that she had also met with Concrete Wave and advised that this should be discussed after the May elections.

Members noted the comments.

  • Community Centre – When will the Memorial car park re-open to the public? As a member of the working party the resident would like to know where the additional funding for the fit out had come from?
  • It had been noted that the town council element of the council tax bill had increased by 41%. How were residents supposed to find out about the town council activities as the noticeboards in the town centre were not up to date?


A written response would be sent regarding the above issues.



The Borough Councillors briefed the council on the current position regarding the future of the Wesley Centre.  They had tried to get it removed from the list of surplus assets but had been unable to do so.



            There were no declarations of interest.



            Copies of draft minutes can be found on the Town Council website.

(a)       The minutes from the meeting held on 20th February 2023 were APPROVED with the following amendment:  Cllr Williams was not present.

(b)       The minutes from the Planning & Environment Committee meeting held on 6th March 2023 – were NOTED

(c)        The minutes from the Estates Committee held on 13th March 2023 were NOTED.




C123 – The Project Manager is unable to attend the meeting to give a financial update as previously advised.  He has however, undertaken to attend the April meeting.



The Town Council took possession of the Community Centre on the 3rd March 2023.

Members NOTED the attached report, and the following questions were asked:

  • What was the problem with the tennis courts? The there were join lines in the tarmac.  The contractors had returned to remedy the fault and the Council’s Technical PM would check whether it was acceptable.
  • What happens if no Centre Manager can be found? 13 applications had been received for the post and it was hoped that a suitable candidate would be found from amongst them.
  • Has the lease been signed yet? Not yet the Clerk was awaiting instructions from the council’s legal advisors on how to execute the documents.
  1. b) Working Party – Once the

centre was handed over to the new Board of Directors then the Terms of Governance will no longer cover the working party.  However, the group would like to remain an associate member group and to continue to support the project.

Cllr Williams proposed, Cllr Boyle seconded:

That the working party should now be dissolved, and a discussion should be had with the Board of Directors on a new formal.

CARRIED 8 in favour, 2 abstentions.

The Chairman asked for the Council’s thanks to be passed onto the working party for all their hard work.

  1. c) Board and Working Party

The following questions/issues were raised:

  • The most recent working party minutes were missing – The meetings had been focussed on discussing fit out of the centre.
  • At the January board meeting it was mentioned that the cricket wicket had been removed – originally it had been planned to install it over the window but the timing was not appropriate. That section of the contract had been removed from the builders thus saving 7%.  The council was in conversation with Kent County Cricket and was working to get the wicket installed.  Further section 106 funding and grants were being explored for pitch improvement work.
  • Will there be any Audio Visual equipment? AV was on the fit out list, Baxalls will need to oversee the installation to ensure warranties are not invalidated
  • What was happening about sponsorship as had previously been referred to? 2 local companies had expressed interest.
  • Who were Sibley Pares? They were the commercial estate agent handling the nursery procurement.
  • Details of the Car chargers – there were six charging points, with cabling in place. The would be manged via the KCC framework.
  • What was the status of the fit out – the list was being compiled. Blinds would also be ordered and installed.



            Members considered the attached report and whether to ask for the Wesley Centre to again be designated an Asset of Community Value.

Cllr Moon proposed, Cllr R Atkins seconded:

That the council should put forward an application to designate the Wesely Centre as an Asset of Community Value.




            Churchill Homes has asked if the Town Council would give permission for the Day Centre to be used as an evacuation centre in the event of an emergency at Paddock Lodge in             Commercial Road.

The Clerk advised that a request had been sent to the Borough Council for the Wesley centre to be used as it was closer – however permission had been refused.

Members discussed the practicalities and how appropriate it would be for the Day Centre to be used.  The Clerk explained that it would only be a short-term measure in the event of the building needing to be evacuated.  Residents would be found alternative accommodation as quickly as possible.

Cllr H Atkins proposed, Cllr Turk seconded:

That Churchill Homes should be given permission to use the Day Centre if needed.

CARRIED 7 in favour, 3 against.



a) Cllr Flashman proposed, Cllr H Atkins seconded:

That the attached payments list voucher nos: 1002 – 1054 should be APPROVED.

CARRIED unanimously.

b) The attached receipts list 248 – 267 was NOTED.

c) Applications for grants had been received from the following organisations:

St Andrews Church – £500 refurbishment of Church Clock

Cllr Williams proposed, Cllr Boyle seconded:

That the grant should be APPROVED.

CARRIED unanimously.

Paddock Wood and District Lions – – £500 Paddock Wood Carnival

Cllr Boyle proposed, Cllr Mackie seconded:

That the grant should be APPROVED, and taken from the 23/24 grant fund

CARRIED unanimously.

d) Insurance – The Council’s 5-year agreement with Zurich expires this year. Zurich have quoted the following for renewal:

            1 Year £15,009.47

3 Year £13,762.80

Five-year agreements are no longer available.

The Council previously paid £9,429 pa for its insurance over 5-year period.  However, the above premium includes the new Community Centre Building, which had been quoted at £5,071.65pa.

Cllr Moon proposed, Cllr Williams seconded:

 that the Council should APPROVE the three-year agreement.

            CARRIED unanimously



            The Town Council has allocated a total of £5,000 in its budget for the Coronation, which will take place on Saturday 6th May, with Monday 8th May being a Bank Holiday.

Members discussed the following:

  1. a) Coronation Bench – it was also suggested that an Oak tree should be planted.

Following a discussion:

Cllr Flashman proposed, Cllr Turk seconded:

That a £1000 should be allocated for the installation of a Coronation bench.

CARRIED  6 in favour, 2 against, 2 abstentions.

The Estates Committee would finalise the style and location of the bench.


  1. b) any further event or commemoration they wish to arrange

Following on from last year’s Jubilee event the Youth Council had asked for something similar to be arranged.  Heritage Paddock Wood had also put forward a request for some funding for a Coronation Brochure to be produced.

Members considered the proposals and it was determined that unfortunately due to the lack of volunteers to assist it would not be possible to arrange an event similar to last years.

The Chairman suspended Standing Orders to allow the representative form Heritage Paddock Wood To speak.

He advised that the costing for a brochure had not yet been obtained and something for the community might be more appropriate.

The Chairman re-instated Standing orders.

Donating mugs to the primary school was also suggested.  There are approximately 600 children in the school.

Cllr Flashman proposed, Cllr Turk seconded:

That subject to the school’s agreement the funds should be used to purchase Coronation Mugs for all the Children at Paddock Wood Primary School.


            CARRIED 7 in favour, 3 abstentions.



            The Chairman updated the council on the current position of the Plan.  The date for the referendum was awaited.

If the document passes the referendum then the planning authority will have a legal obligation to consider the plan whilst determining applications.  However, it will not stop development in Paddock Wood.  The Local Plan will always trump the Neighbourhood Plan.



            Although not yet formally open the Annual Town Meeting will be held in the new community centre Wednesday 5th April at 7 pm.

The Town Council has approximately 80 chairs in the Day Centre and in store.  These will be transported to the Community Centre.

Heritage Paddock Wood will give a presentation to the meeting. Once the formal part of the meeting is over, residents will be invited to take a walk around the new Centre.



            Elections for the Town Council will take place on 4th May 2023.  The timetable is as follows:


  • Notice of Election – starts the pre-election period and starts the nomination process – 16 March. Latest is 27 March
  • Poll cards (A4) due to Voter ID information – from notice of election
  • Deadline for nominations is 4pm on 4 April (same deadline for withdrawals)
  • Notices – names of candidates 5 April, polling stations by 25 April
  • Postal votes will be sent around 18-20 April
  • Voting – 7am to 10pm on 4 May
  • The count – 5 May starting with borough/city council seats before counting parish.



(a)       Chairman’s meeting – No meeting has taken place.

(b)       Paddock Wood Business Association – next meeting 23rd March.

(c)       Bereko Committee

(d)       KALC – meeting will take place on 14th March 2023

(e)       Medway Valley Line – no report

(f)        Hop Pickers Line – no report

(g)       Youth Council – the Young Person of the Year award had been made to Alex Bickerton and Molly Graham.  At a recent KALC training it emerged that Paddock Wood was the only council with a Youth Council and Cllr Williams was asked to write an article for the KALC newsletter.

(h)       Putlands Leisure Centre

(i)         Royal British Legion – the legion were very happy with the plaque at the community centre

(j)         Highways Improvement Plan – no report

(k)        Any other meetings attended on behalf of the Town Council



The next meeting will take place on Monday 17th April 2023, at 7.45 pm in The Day Centre, Commercial Road.



Prior to the end of the meeting the Chairman advised members that she would not be standing in the forthcoming elections due to her husband’s ill health.



The meeting closed at 9.50 pm










Paddock Wood Town Council