The Podmore Building, St Andrews Field, St Andrews Road
Paddock Wood, Kent, TN12 6HT
Telephone: 01892 837373
MINUTES OF A MEETING OF PADDOCK WOOD TOWN COUNCIL HELD ON Monday 15th April 2024 at 7.45 pm in The Day Centre, Commercial Road, Paddock Wood
PRESENT: Cllr D. Kent, in the Chair
Cllrs R. Atkins, (TWBC) D. Dray, N. Maari, A. Mackie, T. Mobbs, R. Moon (TWBC) M. Munday, (TWBC) B. Robichaud (after C147) D. Sargison, J Thompson, C. Williams.
INATTENDANCE: Mrs N Reay, Clerk to the Council
Mr C Smith, Estates Manager
There were no members of the public present.
BC Moon raised concerns about the escalation of anti-social behaviour in the town. Kent Police and KCC should be approached to see what they could do.
BC Munday reported that at a recent borough meeting the Borough Councillors had been advised that Kent Police were looking to double the number of officers available in the rural areas. He asked if the Town Council could publicise the local officers contact details.
BC Atkins advised that the police did have success and that all crimes should be reported. The police can only follow up if they receive reports of crimes.
Members held a brief discussion, but this would be further discussed in item C151.
Cllr Williams declared that she was a director of PWCCO Ltd.
The minutes can be found on the Town Council website and will be taken as read.
(a) Cllr Mobbs proposed, Cllr Williams seconded that the minutes of the meeting held on 18th March 2024 should be APPROVED.
CARRIED unanimously
(b) The minutes of the P & E Committee held on 2nd April 2024 were NOTED
(c) The minutes of the Estates Committee meeting held on 8th April 2024 were NOTED.
C139 Wesley Centre Cllr Nancy Warne has been contacted seeking clarification as to the current status of the Wesley Centre on the borough’s asset list.
Cllr Mobbs proposed, Cllr Williams seconded:
That Begnat Robichaud should be co-opted on the Town Council.
CARRIED unanimously.
The Declaration of Acceptance was signed, and Cllr Robichaud joined the meeting.
(a) Cllr Williams proposed, Cllr Munday seconded:
The payments payments list 767 – 835 should be APPROVED.
CARRIED unanimously.
(b) The receipts list voucher 243 – 261 was NOTED.
(c) Cllr Moon proposed, Cllr Williams seconded:
That a grant of £500 should be made to Paddock Wood and District Lions.
CARRIED unanimously.
Members considered the report which detailed the work required. A discussion was had as to whether just the Code C2 (‘Potentially Dangerous’ Urgent remedial action required) should be carried out or and the Code 3 (Improvement Recommended) deferred or to carry out all the work at the same time.
Cllr Atkins proposed, Cllr Moon seconded:
That all code 2 work should be carried out and code 3 should be carried out when the Code 2 was satisfied.
This motion was subsequently withdrawn.
Cllr Mobbs proposed. Cllr Maari seconded:
That contractor 2 should be appointed to carry out both Code 2 & 3 work for an estimated total of £10,148.
CARRIED 8 in favour, 3 against, 1 abstention.
The Annual Town Meeting needs to be re-scheduled. The latest date that the meeting can be held is 31st May 2024.
There are no dates available in May in the Community Centre. The Day Centre is available on the following dates:
Thursday 9th May
Tuesday 14th, Wednesday 15th, Thursday 16th May
Tuesday 21st, Wednesday 22nd Thursday 23rd May
Tuesday 28th May, Wednesday 29th Thursday 30th May
Cllr Mobbs proposed, Cllr Dray seconded:
Doodle poll should be set up to agree a date.
CARRIED unanimously.
The Clerk was also asked to book the school hall if it was available for the meeting.
Members have received reports from residents expressing concern about an increase in anti-social behaviour in the Town. Members discussed the following points:
- The Town Council could look at increased surveillance cameras on its property.
- Childrens services have been cut and there is very little for young people to do
- Need to push KCC for a Youth Hub – not all want organised activities.
- There has been a negative reaction from residents, and they are likely to lose confidence in the police and authorities.
- The police & Terry Hughes, Manager of the CSU should be invited to the Annual Town Meeting
- Crimes must be reported so that the police can see the areas they need to resource.
- Need to run groups for older children at the Community Centre as the groups there are primarily for older residents and young children, there is little for teenagers
- There is only capacity for a further 4 cameras on the Community Centre before the quality degrades.
The following actions were agreed:
- Publicise the community police contact details.
- Discuss with local PC to see if he could resume regular drop ins.
- Social media posts to me made encouraging residents to report crimes so the Police are aware of all incidents.
- Terry Hughes & community officers should be invited to the Annual Town Meeting.
To receive updates from representatives
(a) Chairman’s meeting – no meeting
(b) Paddock Wood Business Association – no report
(c) Bereko Committee – the group will be attending the Annual Town Meeting.
(d) KALC – no report
(e) Medway Valley Line – a representative attended the Hop Pickers Line AGM. They would like volunteers to adopt the station in order to keep it tidy and improve its appearance.
(f) Hop Pickers Line – the Hop Pickers Line AGM took place on Wednesday 27th March at
2 pm in the Community Centre. The event was attended by approximately 40 people. There were stands from the following groups at the event:
- HPLHG showing photos and documents,
- The Colonel Stephens Society from Tenterden with publicity materials,
- Martyn Hey, the groups graphic designer with drafts for the interpretation boards and a model railway set up.
- Heritage Paddock Wood with a collection of archive photos.
- Collection of photographs on loan from Cranbrook Museum.
- Kent Community Rail Partnership with promotional materials and handouts.
A presentation was given by the Group’s Chairperson Yolanda Laybourne – a copy of which is attached for members information.
The group next meeting would be held on 16th April. The Town Council officers were thanked for their assistance, as were Cllrs Sargison & Moon.
(g) Youth Council – there has been no response from schools regarding new members and young people seem reluctant to commit to a monthly meeting. Consideration needs to be made on the future of the Youth Council with maybe a quarterly Youth Forum instead.
They would however like to keep the Young Person the Year.
(h) Putlands Leisure Centre- it was reported that 3 new staff had been engaged and it was hoped to increase the opening hours. There would be a meet the manager even on the 17th April & 15th May 2024.
(i) IAG – the information from the recent meeting, attended by Cllr Thompson have been circulated to members. Cllr Thompson asked that members sent any concerns regarding policing to him so that they can be raised at the meetings.
(j) Reports from meetings which members have attended on behalf of the Town Council.
Production of the new Town Guide is underway. The Deputy Clerk has contacted local organisations asking for their contributions. The Town Crier will produce and distribute the Town Guide.
(a) The problem with the drains has been identified and the contractor has confirmed that that they will be repaired at no cost to the council.
Cllr Munday proposed, Cllr Atkins seconded:
That Under section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (admission to meetings) Act 1960 the following item should be exempt from the press and public for commercial reasons.
CARRIED unanimously.
(b) Members noted the update on the current position of the FM contract.
(c) Members considered the report regarding the management of the FM contract.
Cllr Moon proposed, Cllr Atkins seconded:
Community Centre project should continue to be overseen at Full Council meetings.
CARRIED 8 in favour, 3 against, 1 abstention.
Cllr Mobbs proposed, Cllr Maari seconded:
That the monitoring of the FM contract should be part of the Estates Manager’s duties.
CARRIED 8 in favour, 4 abstentions.
Cllr Mobbs proposed, Cllr Munday proposed, Cllr Munday seconded:
That the FM consultant should be engaged to attend the first two quarterly meetings with the contractor along with the Estates Manager.
CARRIED 9 in favour, 1 against, 2 abstentions.
The Annual Meeting of the Town Council will take place on Monday 20th May 2024 at
7.45 pm.
The meeting closed at 10.10 pm.