
Estates Minutes – 9th May 2022

Minutes Uploaded on June 7, 2022


The Podmore Building, St Andrews Road, Paddock Wood

Tonbridge, Kent, TN12 6HT

Telephone:  01892 837373


MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE ESTATES COMMITTEE held on Monday 9th May 2022 at 7.45pm in the Day Centre, Commercial Road.



PRESENT:                Cllr D Boyle, in the Chair

Cllr H Atkins, R. Atkins, M Flashman, R. Moon, R. Turk


IN ATTENDANCE:   Mrs N Reay, Town Clerk

Mr C Smith, Estates Manager


APOLOGY:                Cllr D Sargison



                        There were no declarations of interest.



The minutes of the meeting held on the 11th April 2022 were APPROVED.



  1. a) ES82 – Green Lane Pond work – this work had taken place week commencing 25th April 2022.
  2. b) ES85 – fence Scallywags – this work was carried out week commencing 2 May 2022.
  3. c) ES86 – the damaged tree at Putlands had been removed
  4. d) UKPN will start work on removing the pylons which cross Green Lane this week.



Members noted the report on the steps taken following the recent travellers’ incursions at Elm Tree Playing Fields and the Cemetery Field.


Cllr Boyle proposed, Cllr Turk seconded:

That two security bollards, as detailed in the report, should be installed at the Elm Tree gateway at a cost of £860 + VAT.

                        CARRIED unanimously


Members considered the proposal to install concrete blocks along the inside of the cemetery fence.  Additional trees and hedging would be planted to conceal the blocks.  Concern was expressed about the visual appearance of the blocks.  A discussion was had regarding the digging of a ditch/bund which could be filled with pea shingle.  The Estates Manager advised that this could take up quite a lot of space in the cemetery.  Members asked for costs to be brought to the next meeting for a ditch/bund filled with shingle to be brough to the next meeting.  The also asked for KCC to be contacted to see if it could be installed on the highways verge outside of the cemetery fence.



Southern Water have now completed the works on Green Lane Field and will be removing the fencing shortly.  They have offered the Town Council £200 to plant trees at Green Lane.  The Estates Manager put forward a report detailing possible species and locations.  Depending on prices at the time and sizes and varieties he estimated that between two & 5 trees could be purchased with the funds.


Cllr Boyle proposed, Cllr Turk seconded:

That the trees should be planted along the Church Road boundary (red area on the plan).  The Estates Manager would determine the appropriate species.


CARRIED unanimously


ES93              DEFIBRILLATOR

The Town Council currently owns a defibrillator which is stored inside the Memorial Pavilion and is only available whilst the pavilion is in use.  Members discussed moving it to the outside of the new community centre when it is completed so that it is available 24 hours a day.  A weatherproof box will need to be purchased at a cost of approximately £600.  If members agree the contractors will be asked to provide the required electrical connections during the build.


Cllr Boyle proposed, Cllr H Atkins seconded:

That the defibrillator should be moved to outside the new community centre once it was completed.

CARRIED unanimously


ES94              TREES PUTLANDS

Two willows on Putlands have been identified as in need of removal.  The tree surgeon had been asked to quote for the work.



Members considered the request from Radio Fibre.  They are looking for sites to install small 1 ft radio masts to help them provide fast broad band to rural areas.  At present the company are simply exploring options.  Members discussed the proposals and agreed that they would like to discuss this further with the company before making any decisions.  A representative from the company would be invited to attend the next Estates meeting.


The Estates Manager has been reviewing the estates equipment and has reported that some items need replacement.  Due to a change in legislation a new white lining machine was required, and the water bowser needed replacement.  It was beyond economic repair.  Funding had been allocated in the 2022/23 budget for replacement chain saw and topper, however, the Estates Manager advised that the white liner & water bowser were a greater priority.


Cllr Boyle proposed, Cllr H Atkins seconded:

That the Estates Manager & Clerk should be given authority to purchase equipment as required within the budgeted allowance.


CARRIED unanimously


The clerk also raised the issue of taking on another member of staff as had been previously budgeted for.  Although funds had been allowed for a full-time member of staff, it was felt that in the short term it would be best to take on a gardener on a fixed contract for this summer.  This would allow the Estates Manager to assess the workload over a 12-month period before appointing, if necessary, a full-time member of staff, early next year.


Members agreed that this should be referred to Full Council for consideration.



The Estates Manager has been booked to attend LANTRA Basic Tree Survey & Inspection on the 24th May.


Members noted the Estates Managers report of the work carried out over the last month.  Members thanked him for the detailed report.


ES98              DATE OF NEXT MEETING

The next meeting will take place on Monday 13th June 2022.


The meeting closed at 9.20 pm.








Paddock Wood Town Council