
Estates Minutes – 8th November 2021

Minutes Uploaded on November 10, 2021


The Podmore Building, St Andrews Road, Paddock Wood

Tonbridge, Kent, TN12 6HT

Telephone:  01892 837373


MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE ESTATES COMMITTEE held on Monday 8th November 2021 at 7.45pm in the Day Centre, Commercial Road.



PRESENT:              Cllr D Boyle, in the Chair

Cllr H. Atkins, R Atkins, M Flashman, R. Moon, D. Sargison,


IN ATTENDANCE:  Mrs N Reay, Town Clerk

Mr K Butler, Estates Manager


APOLOGY:             Cllr R. Turk



                     There were no declarations of interest.



The minutes of the meeting held on 11th October 2021 were APPROVED.



  1. a) ES35 b) – following further conversation with the contractor the quote for the Legionella work has had to be revised. Members will be advised once the revised quote has been received.
  2. b) ES38 – the Covid Test Centre will be set up in Putlands Car Park.


ES45            TREE PLANTING

                     Members considered the attached report from Councillor Sargison regarding tree planting for the Queen’s Green Canopy Project.


The following trees had been ordered from TWBC at a discounted rate.

Putlands – 3 Alder

3 Field Maple

3 Bird Cherry

Orchard Meadow – 20 whips of mixed native species.


                     It was also agreed that the two cherries which had been removed from outside the Day Centre should be replaced with Rowans. The stumps would need to be ground out before planting.


                     Members were advised that there was the potential to plant up to 800 whips at Foal Hurst Wood. Costs would be brought to the next meeting for consideration. The Council had allocated £2000 for tree planting this financial year.




ES46            GARDEN WASTE

                     The council has been asked to consider paying for skips to enable residents to deposit their green waste. The current green waste collections run by the Borough Council have been suspended since the summer due to the shortage of HGV drivers.


The Borough Council have announced they will be doing a one-off collection for all subscribers to empty the bins. The collection for Paddock Wood will be at least another month.


The cost of a 12-yard skip would be £315. A skip this size will take 120 bin bags.


The Clerk advised that this was not within the Council’s legal powers to spend money on this, but expenditure could be paid for from the section 137 code (Free Resource which allows money to be spent on things that the council does not have the power to spend on.)


Members were unhappy at the idea of “bailing” out the borough council. It was suggested that may be the Civic Amenity Vehicle could be re-introduced to help.


Members discussed the practicalities of location etc.


Cllr Boyle proposed, Cllr Moon seconded:

Whilst the Council admires the sentiment of this approach, it is impracticable and beyond the remit of the Town Council to organise garden waste collections. Members call upon TWBC to expedite the return of the subscription service and notify residents as soon as possible.


CARRIED 5 in favour, 1 abstention


ES47            SECTION 106 FUNDING

                     Members received a report from the Clerk on the Section 106 funding allocated to Paddock Wood Town Council for Estates projects.



  Project Due approximately Amount £ Progress Comments from members
A Skatepark 2021 74,500 + £20,000 allocated by TC Independent consultant needed to prepare project for tender process.  
B Resurfacing, drainage, white lining:

carpark Foalhurst Wood

2021 22,294.87 Estimates sought and received, seeking modifications. (Drainage + white lining) Request for surface to be porous & environmentally friendly materials to be used if possible


C Bridge Repairs Foalhurst Wood 2021 6,667.67 Seeking estimates.  
D Green Lane Sports facilities. (Pavilion) Early 2022 278,375 Independent consultant sought to prepare project for tender process. The following to be explored:

Drainage for football pitch, improve changing rooms & car park,

Outdoor table tennis. Impractical to level unused area.

E Strikes Wood mitigation 2021 3,000   Cllr Boyle proposed, Cllr Flashman seconded: that the council should apply for the funding to secure the boundary with the adjoining development
  1. b) The Town Council has also been approached by TWBC planning department asking if it requires any Section 106 contributions from the proposed development in Station Road.

After reading the criteria Members agreed that the following should be requested:

Funds to replace the benches in the Town Centre

Funding to improve the Sustainability of the Day Centre


ES48            CEMETERY

  1. a) The drainage scheme which was installed earlier in the year is working, and the flooding has been reduced.
  2. b) Brick path – the path to the new area has been repaired by the contractor, although further works are required. The Estates Manager was asked to ensure the area was safe.
  3. c) Gravestone repairs – there are 25 graves stones in the new cemetery which are wobbling and will need repair. The Stone Mason has estimated that the repairs will cost £3,600 – £3,800. These are all older stones, and it is therefore unlikely that any of the families are still contactable to fund the repairs.


Cllr Boyle proposed, Cllr H Atkins seconded:

That the work should be carried out.

CARRIED 5 in favour, 1 against



                     The Estates staff were finishing off the mowing for the year, hedge cutting, tidying the borders, collecting rubbish, and marking out the pitches.


                     The Robina’s at Mount Pleasant & in the town centre would be trimmed week commencing 15th November 2021.



The next meeting will take place on Monday 13TH December 2021.

The meeting closed at 9.15 pm.

Paddock Wood Town Council