
Estates Minutes – 8th April 2024

Minutes Uploaded on May 7, 2024


The Podmore Building, St Andrews Road, Paddock Wood

Tonbridge, Kent, TN12 6HT

Telephone:  01892 837373


MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE ESTATES COMMITTEE held on Monday 8th April 2024 in the Day Centre Commercial Road at 7.45 pm.


PRESENT:               Cllr R Atkins, (In the chair after item ES106)

Cllrs A Mackie, D Kent, R Moon, D Sargison, J Thompson (in the chair until item ES106)


APOLOGY:                Cllr T Mobbs,


IN ATTENDANCE:   Mrs N Reay, Town Clerk

Ms E Small Deputy Clerk (from item ES107)

Mr Carl Smith Estates Manager



                        There were no Declarations of interest.



The minutes of the meeting held on 11th March were APPROVED.



a) ES91 – Dog Fouling signs, the signs have been ordered and delivery is awaited

b) ES95 – hanging baskets – the order has been placed. Installation usually takes place at the end of May/ beginning of June.


ES104            FHW 25th ANNIVERSARY

The list of proposed options to celebrate the anniversary has been sent to the FHW volunteers.


The volunteers had advised that their preferred options would be.

  • New interpretation boards at the entrance to the site and Orchard Field
  • Movable board to explain the coppicing process – this would be moved from area to area as work progressed.
  • New dormice boxes
  • Boards with detail of the bird life in the wood with QR codes to link to the relevant bird sounds.
  • Boards with the animals and plants in the wood

Cllr Thompson proposed, Cllr Kent seconded:

That the proposed list from the volunteers should be progressed

CARRIED unanimously.




a) Weed spraying in the play areas – in the past the Council has sprayed around the equipment to keep the weeds down. However, this is no longer recommended practice.  The Estates Manager advised that the options would be to leave the weeds, strim them or hand weeding.


Cllr Thompson proposed, Cllr Mackie seconded:

That weed killer should no longer be used in the Children’s play areas.

CARRIED unanimously.


b) Zip Wire

The town council has allocated £20k to install a new zip wire at St Andrews Field.  The Clerk had previously advised that it was the intention to apply to Awards for All to try to get some grant funding for this project.  However, it has been discovered that the application will take up to 4 months to progress.  The order cannot be placed until the grant has been agreed or refused.


Cllr Kent proposed, Cllr Thompson seconded:

That the project should be progressed with the budgeted funds.

CARRIED unanimously.


c) Clover Way Fence

The fence at Clover Way Play Area has again been damaged.

In the last financial year, the council has spent £800 carrying out similar repairs to this fence.  The damage appears to be deliberate.

The damaged bars have currently been cut off and the area taped up.  However, this could only be a short-term solution as there was a risk of entrapment with the wider space between the bars.


Members agreed that a letter should be sent to the adjoining residents asking for their help to prevent further damage to the fencing.


Cllr Kent proposed, Cllr Thompson seconded:

That repairs to the fence should be carried out.

CARRIED unanimously.



A request has been received from Putlands Veterinary Surgery for the use of 5 parking spaces in the Memorial Car Park.  Members discussed the request and agreed that the car park was for the community not for business purposes.

Cllr Atkins proposed, Cllr Mackie seconded:

That permission was refused, and that signage installed stating that use of the car park was for users of the field and community centre only.


CARRIED unanimously.


ES107            CEMETERY

The deputy clerk presented an update on the plans and costs for the cemetery upgrade.  Members received a written report.


Following a discussion with members and the Estates manager Cllr Atkins proposed, Cllr Thompson seconded.

That the conifer hedge should be removed, and the children’s area upgraded as per the report.

CARRIED unanimously.



During high winds a tree had fallen into the garden of one of the properties adjacent to Putlands field.  The Estates Manager had visited the house holder.  The tree had been removed and the household advised that if they wished to do so they should submit a claim for costs for consideration.

The estates manager also advised that the tree inspection was scheduled to take place within the next couple of months and this would identify if any work was required in this area.




ES109            ALLOTMENT LAW

The Clerk and Cllr Thompson attended a recent training session on Allotment Law run by KALC.  In light of this training a review of the management of the allotments and tenancy agreement will be undertaken, in consultation with the Allotment Association and Allotment Managers. A copy of the notes were attached for members only.


ES110            STAFF VACANCY

A total of 20 applications have been received for the new member of the Estates Team.  The Closing date for applications was the 2nd April.  All applications will be reviewed by the Clerk and Estates Manager. A recommended shortlist will be forwarded to the Personnel Committee.  Interviews will take place on the 19th April 2024. The interview panel will consist of Cllr Williams, Chairman of Personnel, Cllr Atkins, Chairman of the Estates Committee and Carl Smith, Estates Manager.



Cllr Atkins proposed, Cllr Thompson seconded:

Under section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (admission to meetings) Act 1960 the following items should be exempt from the press and public.

CARRIED unanimously.



A family has approached the Town Council seeing permission to erect a memorial on a baby grave.  The burial took place over 40 years ago and there is no grant of right.  As there is no grant of right the plot technically still belongs to the Council and therefore permission is needed to erect a headstone.


Cllr Atkins proposed, Cllr Kent seconded:

That the council would allow the erection of a headstone, subject to receiving confirmation that the applicant had consulted family members.  They should also bear any costs associated with the request, including removal of the stone, if necessary, in the future.


CARRIED 4 in favour 2 abstentions.




The next meeting will take place on Monday 13th May 2024 at 7.45 pm in the Day Centre.



The meeting closed at 9.30 pm.

Paddock Wood Town Council