
Estates Minutes – 14th February 2022

Minutes Uploaded on March 8, 2022


The Podmore Building, St Andrews Road, Paddock Wood

Tonbridge, Kent, TN12 6HT

Telephone:  01892 837373


MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE ESTATES COMMITTEE to be Monday 14th February 2022 at 7.45pm in the Day Centre, Commercial Road.



PRESENT:                Cllr D Boyle, in the Chair

Cllrs H Atkins, R. Atkins, R. Moon, D. Sargison


IN ATTENDANCE:   Mrs N Reay, Town Clerk


APOLOGIES:            Kevin Butler, Estates Manager

Cllr M Flashman



                        There were no Declarations of Interest.



Prior to the approval of the minutes Cllr R Atkins queried whether the meeting had been quorate, and put forward the following motion, which was seconded by Cllr H Atkins:

That the last meeting was not quorate and did not follow the Terms of Reference.

VOTING 2 in favour, 3 against.  The Motion was therefore LOST.


The minutes of the meeting held on the 13th December 2021 were APPROVED and signed as a true record.



  1. a) ES53(a) – the specimen trees have been planted at Putlands, and the whips have been taken to FHW and planted.  The trees are part of the Queens Green Canopy project – pictures will be taken and uploaded on the official website
  2. b) Day Centre Tree stumps – a scan of the area has taken place and the contractors have advised that the stumps are too close to the cables to be ground out.
  3. c) ES60 – Invicta Law have been contacted and asked to act on the Council’s behalf.
  4. d) Bench at Ringden Avenue

The Grant funding has been approved and the contractor will install the bench as soon as possible.  Permission will need to be obtained from KCC to work on the highway.

  1. e) The council’s insurance company has agreed to pay for the damage to the fencing at the Memorial Playing Field following tree damage last summer.
  2. f) Contractors have re laid the hedge of St Andrews Old Churchyard. A lot of replacement hedging has been required due to the amount of tree ivy.


ES65              GREEN LANE POND

Members considered the attached report and the update from the Clerk.  SW and the Environment Agency had completed monitoring the area and had advised, by telephone that the pond should be left to recover, but might benefit from dredging.


The Clerk was asked to contact the council’s pond maintenance company to seek their advice.


ES66              CHRISTMAS LIGHTS

The council’s contract for the Christmas lights has now expired.  The contractors have offered to renew the contract for another three years at a cost of £5800.  A new scheme would cost £8120.  The council had budgeted £10,000 for Christmas Decorations in total, which also has to include installation and the cost of the trees.

Cllr Moon proposed, Cllr Boyle seconded:

The existing contract is renewed for a further three years.

CARRIED unanimously


ES67              HANGING BASKETS

As it is the Platinum Jubilee the Council’s plant contractor has advised that they can put together a colour scheme of Red, White, Blue & Silver.

The cost will be £4136 including installation.  The Council has budgeted £5,000 for Town Centre planting.

Cllr Boyle proposed, Cllr H Atkins seconded:

That the quote should be accepted, and the order placed for Jubilee colours.

CARRIED unanimously


ES68              FOAL HURST WOOD

The section 106 funding which had been allocated to replace the footbridges is not yet available.  As two bridges are in urgent need of replacement it is recommended that existing funding of £3000 in the FHW budget should be used to replace them.


Cllr Boyle proposed, Cllr Moon seconded:

That the £3000 from the existing budget should be used to pay for the bridges.

CARRIED unanimously


It was asked by members if additional interpretation boards could be sourced.


ES69              TERMS OF REFERENCE

Members discussed the revised terms of reference and felt that further revisions were required.  Cllr Boyle would discuss this with the Cllr Flashman chairman of the PPP Committee.



Members considered the request from Paddock Wood Football Club to use the rugby pitch for parking on the weekend of 18/19 June for their football tournament.


Cllr Boyle Proposed, Cllr H Atkins seconded:

That the Council should not give permission due to:

  • potential damage to the pitch.
  • Narrowness of the gate accessing onto Mascalls Court Road. It is only wide enough for one vehicle.

CARRIED unanimously


Members suggested they should approach Putlands Sports and Leisure Centre to see if they could use their car park.


ES71              DATE of NEXT MEETING

The next meeting will be held on the 14th March 2022.


The meeting closed at 8.50 pm.




Paddock Wood Town Council