The Podmore Building, St Andrews Road, Paddock Wood
Tonbridge, Kent, TN12 6HT
Telephone: 01892 837373
MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE ESTATES COMMITTEE held on Monday 11th April 2022 at 7.45pm in the Day Centre, Commercial Road.
PRESENT: Cllr D Boyle, in the Chair
Cllr H Atkins, R. Atkins, M Flashman, R. Moon, R. Turk
IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs N Reay, Town Clerk
Mr C Smith, Estates Manager
APOLOGY: Cllr D Sargison
The Chairman introduced Mr Smith to members, who welcomed him as the Council’s new Estates Manager.
There were no declarations of interest.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 14th March 2022 were APPROVED with two minor grammatical amendments.
- a) ES75 – Green Lane Pond, the order has been placed for the work to be carried out and a date is awaited.
- b) ES76 – Rugby Posts, the new rugby posts had been installed. The old ones had been removed and will be disposed of.
- a) Green Lane/Goldfinch Close – the work which has only been partially completed. Whilst undertaking the work UK Power Networks told the tree surgeon to halt the work as in their opinion, he was working too close the high voltage power lines. The only way for the work to be completed would be to apply to UK Power networks for an “outage” where they cut the power to the line for a short period of time. As this power line is scheduled to be removed in the summer the decision was taken to wait until that had happened. The resident who had asked for the work to be done had been informed.
- b) UK Power Network are continuing with their plans to remove the line along the edge of Green Lane spinney. The work is now less than originally envisaged. They are no longer installing a monopole in place of the old tower in the ancient woodland but still need to clear some vegetation to dismantle the old tower. They are still willing to pay the £700 originally offered for the replacement of trees and there will also be a consideration for the cable easement. The Clerk was asked to check the plans
The Council’s solicitor is working with the UK Power networks solicitor to complete the Deed of Grant and cable easement. UKPN are covering the legal expenses. Once this is completed work can commence. A Hazel dormice licence application has been made to Natural England and a Non-Licenced Method Statement is being prepared to ensure protection of any reptiles.
- c) Old Church Yard – Following complaints from residents in Forge Way about overshadowing from the trees work was carried out to 5 of the trees along the boundary. Approximately 4.5 m was taken off the height of the trees. However, the residents are still unhappy with the amount of work which has been carried out. The Clerk and Estates Manager had met with the residents on site to discuss what further work would be possible. The Estates Manager reported that one tree had fungus which he would get checked by the tree surgeon. It may need removing if it found to be unsafe. Vegetation would be cleared one metre from the boundary and a plan put in place to reduce the height of the shrubbery over a period of time. Any major work carried out in the Closed Church Yard will require a faculty from the Diocese.
The Town Council had been approached by a resident seeking permission to use the Green Lane car park & recreation ground for a gathering over the weekend. It would be for a few local families, and they would like to have access to the pavilion toilets for the event.
Following a discussion
Cllr Boyle proposed, Cllr Turk seconded:
That the Council was happy to for the green space to be used, however access to the pavilion would not be permitted.
CARRIED with one abstention
The fencing around the children’s play area at Scallywags needs replacing. The Town Council installed the original fencing on the field side but not the fencing inside against the chain-link.
Two quotes have been received
Contractor 1 £1235
Contractor 2 £2032
Both quotes are for close boarded fences 1.8 m high, however the Clerk advised that having spoken to the nursery they would like the fence to be 1.3 m high.
Cllr Boyle proposed, Cllr H Atkins seconded:
That the quote from contractor 1 should be accepted
CARRIED unanimously
The Estates Manager reported that he had been getting to know the team. He would be looking to write a management plan going forward and was also looking at some additional summer planting for the Town Centre.
This week the team had been mowing and would spray the car parks whilst the weather was dry.
Members asked for the following to be looked at:
Damaged tree at Putlands needed attending to
Vegetation around the small pond at Putlands
The next meeting will take place on Monday 9th May 2022 at 7.45 pm in the Day Centre.
The meeting closed at 8.24 pm